I call BULLSHIT Q! I asked you this exact question, I pointed out the 2,000% percent increase in trolls from the Pentagon. Now SUDDENLY you’re saying we are being set up. Exactly what I asked you, your silence is pissing me off. I have a family, I have a job, I DIRECTLY asked you if we were being set up, crickets from you. I desperately want to save the Republic form this evil shit, I asked are you protecting us, again crickets. Now all of the sudden we are being set up! I choose my family over Q, you need to level with us, and soon.
And of course, no one cares. I've risked everything for this cause, and again no one cares. Where we go one….no one cares.
Then fix it for me anon, I asked Q, he ignored. Look at my question, look at Q's drops and help me understand why I should continue. I have a family, they are firing people for just looking conservative.
You're right, but I've already cast the die, and I didn't ask my wife or family. Now I'm just a cornered animal. I just wish Q would have addressed my questions before hanging me out to dry. I've gone viral too many times to survive. I now know that they are looking for me.
OMG how you make me want to fight, thank you for the energy, you are exactly what energizes me. God bless you.
The USA is not an outside force, it is and always will be a place I will die to protect. If you want to pee in the little girls room and you're a dude, I will break you into small pieces.