He had to stand there like a bitch on Israel's behalf. We all know it. He could have defended himself a lot better out there, but he bowed to the mossad. He never called Chris out once for the obvious bias towards Biden. It was plainly obvious Chris had even been instructed to help revive Biden's memory during the act of asking the question. Trump said nothing…He stood there and took it. Like he was told…
If there is no mass arrest of these sickening all powerful media controlling, politician controlling, satanic evil scum very soon…It's time we show Q a REAL movement is not re-posting fucking twitter posts.
It's all just WWE folks. As George Carlin said "It's a big club, and you're not in it." It's all scripted. It's all a fucking movie just like Q said. A horror movie written by satanists ( the only part George left out). The only thing is…he will NEVER tell you who is directing this horror movie…until the bitter truth is undeniable for all to see. And some folk will still think God will save them, while in reality, the people who actually murdered the son of God…have won.