Anonymous ID: f85ffc Sept. 29, 2020, 9:40 p.m. No.10850667   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0679

>>10849370 PB on "Murica!"


>Jews know that the only thing in their way to world domination, is whites.


You are part right.

Actually, now that the archaeology digs are turning up some tribal trails, it's more like infighting among the tribes of Israel, and the 10 lost tribes fail to understand who they are. Judah, would like to be the boss of the other 11…looks like.

So… tribal infighting of sorts.

No one understands why Americans support Israel, especially Christians. The key is in the lost tribes being found, or, who's history and movement has been intentionally hidden by (((them))).

Interesting stuff.


As a matter of science, Israel was the last human tribe out of Mesopotamia that held together without much marrying outside the 12 tribes for the longest stretch of time in human history. It was a religious Hebrew thing.

Because of this, they maintained the entire original diversity in the human genome for the longest time.


Therefore, it shows up today as the human tribe with the most diversity of genetics, because this race has kept so much of the human genome sequence. Israel was and still is the most extremely genetically diverse people group.

By Israel, I do not mean just "Jews". But the diversity of genes is readily apparent.

Blue eyes to brown.

Blond/red to black hair.

Curls to straight.

High to low melanin color.

Tall to short.

Tons of diversity.

By Israel I do not mean Religious or even Genetic Jews. The tribe of Judah is only 1/12th of Israel. There are 12 tribes still today.


The Jews (short for the single Israeli tribe of Judah) know that those people the Romans recorded as coming over the Caucus mountains through the pass of Israel (as it is still called today) are the "Cauc-asians" (Asians from over the Caucus mountains) that are in fact, the not so lost tribes of Israel (lost sheep Jesus spoke of… the "larger flock")

This is why whites are also called 'Caucasians".


It does appear that these 10 tribes of Israel did create Partha, and Scythia (Russia today which explains Russia being Christian). Then,these empires spread across Europe with their Old Testament in hand, and all of the prophecies. Roman records say none of these tribes would eat pork. (But they smoked pot according to the Romans, who apparently hated the smell…kek)


What did they do upon hearing of Christ?



Anonymous ID: f85ffc Sept. 29, 2020, 9:41 p.m. No.10850679   🗄️.is 🔗kun





They believed the messiah had come, based on the prophecies they had. This is why Christianity spread like wild fire across Europe. The tribes of Israel were already there, with their old testaments, the prophecies, and their tell tail genetic diversity.


So now, it appears that the single tribe of Judah would prefer that the 10 tribes never remember who they are, and Judah would be the boss of so called "white people" (as if there were varied races of man).

And Judah would prefer to be called the whole of Israel, when these are only one twelfth of Israel. The rest of us are out here. The tribe of Judah is calling the other 11 Tribes, "White people".


Why do people in Africa and Asia have less genetic diversity?

Same reason dogs have become diverse from the wolf. The wolf has all the genes to make every dog type, but, you do not have the genes in any of the remote types to make the wolf unless you re-blended every dog breed.


Fact is that some human tribes left Mesopotamia for Asia, Africa, even some Europe very early in the history of man, but, this does NOT make them different races at all. When these smaller groups did migrate out, they were small packs, and took only a slice of the entirety of the human genetic codes with them.

This is why Asia… brown hair near always straight.

Africans took a ton of melanin coding on the genes with them and a lot of curly hair genes of only a dark color.


As a matter of science, there is only one race, the human race. There is only one skin color molecule called melanin. Everyone is melanin, just more DNA chains that produce it, or less.



Judah is very much aware of where the lost tribes are, and Judah wants to be the boss of those tribes… those "white people".


Not going to happen Judah.

It will not be long before Tribe of Machir "Murica" or Har Machir - A-Merica figures out who they are.


Bible says Brittain (Tribe of Ephraim) and Manasseh (Grandfather of Machir - Har Machir, A-merica - or… "Murica!" as we are fond of saying) are together, the the father of many nations (Ephraim the colonist), and the "greatest strongest nation and company of nations" in the end times (Har Machir/ A Murica / America, or "Murica!".)


Caucasians are a good part of the lost tribes.

Judah (the true jew) knows.

Get out the book of Hebrews.

Read the salutation.

It is written by James, brother of Jesus, after the death of Christ. He writes to the tribes "Abroad" knowing full well where the tribes are across the Mediterranean Sea in Europe.

The bible says that the sons of Manasseh will forget who they are for a long time.

But Judah knows who we are.

Pic related.


Anonymous ID: f85ffc Sept. 29, 2020, 10:07 p.m. No.10850970   🗄️.is 🔗kun



The "pedophiles" who want to be "normalized" think that having sex with minors is harmless. The sociopaths among them know exactly what kind of damage they do to the children, and they think it is funny… paint the panda on their eyes like proud killers.