Anonymous ID: 7e1095 Sept. 29, 2020, 10:20 p.m. No.10851107   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1161 >>1215 >>1306 >>1408 >>1588 >>1769 >>1870 >>1874

Moderator Chris Wallace Receives Blowback After Rocky Debate Performance


Several prominent journalists and political commentators took to social media on Tuesday to share their frustration with moderator Chris Wallace’s performance during the first of three presidential debates between President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden.


At one point during the debate, amid several arguments between Biden, Trump, and Wallace, President Trump said, “I guess I’m debating you, not him, but that’s OK. I’m not surprised.”


Richard Grenell, the former Acting Director of the United States National Intelligence, highlighted Wallace’s inability to “interrupt’ Biden.


“Chris Wallace doesn’t interrupt Joe Biden,” Grenell stated in a tweet.


After several mild arguments between Trump and Wallace, Turning Point USA founder Charlie Kirk tweeted that Trump “shouldn’t have to debate both Chris Wallace AND Joe Biden.”


Andrew McCarthy, a columnist for the National Review, pointed out Wallace’s need to interrupt when Biden was “having trouble with Trump’s questioning.”


“Chris Wallace jumps in a second time when Biden having trouble with Trump’s questioning,” McCarthy wrote.


Gaston Mooney, president of Blaze Media, questioned Wallace’s competency.


“Chris Wallace is a hack…purposefully conflating mail in ballots and absentee ballots,” Mooney wrote in a tweet. “Either hack or incompetent. No other option.”


Stephen Miller, a contributor to The Spectator, noted Wallace “laughing” with Biden during the debate.


“Wallace laughing along with Biden isn’t a good look,” Miller wrote.


Jessica O’Donnell also pointed out Wallace’s partisanship when it came to sharing laughs on the stage.


“The mask is slipping, Chris,” O’Donnell wrote.


Wallace’s Fox News colleague, Ingraham Angle host Laura Ingraham, was quick to note during the debate that President Trump appeared to be debating Wallace instead of Biden.


“Trump is debating the moderator and Biden,” Ingraham wrote in a tweet.


Former game show host and popular internet pundit Chuck Woolery claimed Wallace revealed a great amount of “bias” throughout the debate.

Anonymous ID: 7e1095 Sept. 29, 2020, 10:21 p.m. No.10851114   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Azerbaijani Defence Ministry Claims to Have Destroyed Armenian S-300 in Nagorno-Karabakh


Both Yerevan and Baku have accused each other of attacks along the line of control and published videos, depicting the destruction of drones, aircraft, tanks, and armoured vehicles of the opposite side.


The Azerbaijani military on Wednesday announced that it had destroyed an Armenian S-300 missile system in Nagorno-Karabakh. Baku also claimed that at least 2,700 Armenian troops had been killed and wounded in the recent clashes.


"Yesterday, during the fighting on the territory of Shushakend, in the Khojavend district [the line of contact in Karabakh], an enemy S-300 anti-aircraft missile system was disabled", the ministry said.


The Azerbaijani Defence Ministry previously said it had "completely destroyed" an Armenian regiment during the clashes, which Yerevan rejected as fake news.


Nagorno-Karabakh, or Artsakh, an Armenian-majority autonomy, proclaimed independence from what was then Soviet Azerbaijan in 1991.

This resulted in a major military conflict that lasted until 1994, when the sides agreed to start peace talks mediated by the OSCE Minsk Group. Karabakh remained an unrecognised state and ties between Baku and Yerevan have remained tense due to the frozen conflict.

Anonymous ID: 7e1095 Sept. 29, 2020, 10:31 p.m. No.10851190   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1408 >>1588 >>1711 >>1769 >>1870 >>1874

VIP Abuse Ring & Satanism in Victoria


Dr Reina Michaelson Testimony


The following is a summary of events that detail the infiltration of a high-profile, powerful group of child sex offenders into my child abuse prevention organisation. What was uncovered as a result of this infiltration was the existence of an Illuminati-based child pornography and pedophile ring that is operating in Australia, under the protection of senior-ranking members of Victoria Police. The members of the network include senior management and executives from a major television network, media celebrities, high-ranking politicians, police officers in charge of pedophile and child pornography investigations, senior management representatives from the Department of Education, directors of "child-focused" service clubs, wealthy businessmen, and others. I have tried to keep the account as brief as possible while trying to include all relevant information. The description covers events from 1995 until present. The names of individuals have been changed.


Brave, Committed Young Woman Exposes Pedophiles Down Under


Call for Probe into Police Investigation (2004)


Tv Man Linked to Sex Case Inquiry - The Age (2004)

Anonymous ID: 7e1095 Sept. 29, 2020, 10:33 p.m. No.10851213   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1408 >>1588 >>1769 >>1870 >>1874

Project Millstone Admin


Department of Education Protects Pedophile Teacher


In 1995 I started running Australia's first child sexual abuse prevention program in schools, the Child Sexual Abuse Prevention Program (CSAPP). This school-based program teaches children how to protect themselves from sexual abuse and what to do if someone tries to sexually abuse them. The program also teaches adults how they can best protect children under their care from sexual abuse. My assistant and I were at a particular high school in the northern region working with Year 9 boys. We received a note written anonymously by one of the boys asking "What do you do if you get raped by a teacher and no-one will believe you? What happens if you get raped and you enjoy it?". Later during that day we were asked exactly the same question by a boy who was flushed red with embarrassment. I replied "Talk to the Student Welfare Coordinator", to which he replied "What if he is the one who won't believe you?". I emphasizied that it is important to keep telling until someone believes you.


During the day my assistant and I noticed the strange behaviour of a particular teacher, called “Dick Newman”. Later that afternoon I learnt that the car I had been driving had been rammed in the school's car-park. Witnesses reported that the car had been rammed deliberately by a man who then drove off very quickly.


The local police were called and ran a licence check on the car and discovered that the number-plate was fake. They then took photos of the crime scene using the school's camera. Later, when it was revealed that a teacher was under suspicion of sexually abusing the children at the school and then organising the ramming of my car to intimidate me, the photos went "missing", and no further action was taken.


”Dick Newman” was the only person at the school who knew my car, as he had taken it upon himself to show me to my car to give me directions to the shops during a break in classes.


It was organised that the boys in Year 9 would be interviewed in order to find the victims and give them appropriate support. Three people (including myself, my assistant and a counsellor from a sexual assault centre) were responsible for conducting the interviews. At the completion of the interviews, there were concerns for approximately 12 of the boys. These concerns related specifically to sexual assault by a teacher at the school. However, by this stage (over a week had passed since the initial program) it was clear that the boys had been threatened. For example, when I interviewed the boy who had asked the questions about sexual abuse by a teacher and not being believed, he huddled into a foetal position, started crying, and said he could not tell me what happened. When I asked him why he couldn't tell me, he replied that he had been threatened with his life. His best friend told me he would never tell what had happened.


Some time after this, we organised a theatre company performance for the students (on the topic of sexual abuse). While the children were seated and waiting for the play to begin, “Dick Newman” made an unscheduled visit to the hall. He proceeded to stand in front of each of the boys we had identified as potential victims and stare them down. The boys, who had been happy and laughing in the excitement of waiting for the play to begin, went grey with fear. Finally, I stood in front of “Dick Newman” so that he could not intimidate the boys any further.


I was then told no further action would be taken as the boys had not named the offender.


Program Infiltrated by Pedophile Board of Management



Anonymous ID: 7e1095 Sept. 29, 2020, 10:57 p.m. No.10851401   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Israel cracks down on protests under Covid-19 ‘emergency’ pretext as country extends lockdown


The Israeli Knesset has approved legislation that will ban citizens from protesting more than one kilometer away from their homes, backed by the government as a measure against Covid-19, but decried as draconian by opposition MKs.


Passed 46 to 38 in the early hours of Wednesday morning after a marathon debate in the Knesset, the bill will place sweeping restrictions on demonstrations of any kind, banning citizens from attending protests held more than 1km (0.6 miles) away from their residence. The legislation was approved along with a “special state of emergency,” which will last for only a week before the ministerial cabinet will be required to re-approve the measures.


Standing with the opposition factions, two members of the Blue and White Party – part of the ruling coalition – also voted against the bill, MKs Miki Haimovich and Ram Shefa. The duo was cheered by opposition leader Yair Lapid, who asked in a tweet ahead of the vote: “What's the next step? Banning the opposition leader from addressing parliament?”


Lapid returned to head up the Yesh Atid Party after a brief stint as a senior Blue and White official last year. There, he worked closely with Benny Gantz, now Israel’s defense chief and “alternative prime minister” under a power-sharing deal reached with PM Benjamin Netanyahu earlier this year.


The new protest restrictions come amid weeks of large demonstrations against Netanyahu, in which citizens have voiced outrage over ongoing lockdown policies implemented to stem the spread of the coronavirus, as well as the PM’s corruption case, over which many have demanded his resignation. The PM has sought to downplay the protests, telling followers in a recent Facebook live appearance that “There have always been protests against me.”


They can continue protesting within 1,000 meters or near their homes. The problem is the spreading of the disease and the spreading of anarchy.


A significant protest was staged outside the Knesset itself on Tuesday, hours before the bill was passed, seeing convoys made up of hundreds of cars descend on the building. Violent scuffles erupted between police and demonstrators after the latter group attempted to hang a banner across the Knesset that said: “using coronavirus to bring dictatorship.” Three people were briefly detained during the fracas, but all have since been released.