Anonymous ID: 937c69 Sept. 29, 2020, 10:33 p.m. No.10851211   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1417

>>10850962 (lb)

>Go on then.

>Explain radiocarbon dating and how it is compromised.

Easy. It's been flawed since it;s inception.

For one, when samples come back that are conflicting with [the narrative], they get discarded as "compromised" or "inconclusive" or something of that nature. So, only samples that support [the narrative] are accepted. This is easy to do simply by putting in comped people at heads of key universities which have major influence in setting [the standards]. Can't have your scientists proving your historians wrong or vice versa. Thus, follow [the narrative] or lose your job and/or finding.


Also, one of the key flaws in radio carbon dating is assuming that half-life decay is same rate as it is now, in our current environment. We've noticed variations by hundreds of years or moar even in samples taken with known dates. Truth is, one large blast of radiation could artificially age something by several thousands of years, if not moar.


>Explain why marine fossils are found on the tops of mountains in the Himalayas.

Tell that one to the uniformitarians. Cause they never really explained that one. Just passed it off as needing MILLIONS of years to occur, based on modern observations of rate of continental drift. Which, btw, we have yet to explain why that even happens in the first place. It;s kind of unique to our planet as far as we know.

Anywho, in short, catastrophic event totally happened in the past. There's evidence all around. Many scientists did support the notion of catastrophic events that occurred in the past and had a major role in altering geology and biology of Earth. However, in the 60's the courts ruled in favor of teaching theories like "evolution", which were never proven to be factual. In fact, there are numerous facts that contradict "evolution" via "natural selection". And if you don't believe me, how TF did the dinosaurs die? FYI, Earth-shattering meteors/comets/asteroids would technically count "catastrophes". Although, for the record it was something much larger than an asteroid that killed the dinosaurs. Funny you should mention the Himalayas. Cause, I'm pretty sure that semi-circle shape was formed when a large body came crashing into our atmosphere. Only, there was no collision. But that might be above your pay grade, since it involves the Force of Nature which they've spent the last 100+ years trying to get you and everyone else to ignore.


For the record, the types of catastrophes we are talking would've exposed most all of life on the planet to high-energy radiation. This not only provided the necessary conditions to instantaneously fossilize most of the record we have, it also allowed for rapid mutations in existing life forms. Which was needed because of how quickly and dramatically the environment changed during these events. Most of the "ancient" forms of life could not even exist given the current environment. And if you aren't sure how this is possible, study epigenetics. Our DNA has the ability to sense changes in the environment and make the necessary changes to adapt, even within a single lifetime. This goes back to the Force I was talking about.



I've only been explaining this shit here for over two years, now. You have time? Study up and join the crusade.

Anonymous ID: 937c69 Sept. 29, 2020, 11:15 p.m. No.10851533   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1541 >>1552 >>1589

Dear Mr. President Trunk,

Next time you has a debate and haters talking bouts the global warming, you call me up and has me gibs you advice on how to crush the fake narrative in less than 2 minutes.

I know you gotta pander to the Gretas and Karens of the world, but wut you think I been doing here for the last 3 years?

You scared to take free advice from a genius? You sound like you wanna say things, but I'm not sure you entirely know how to crush that narrative, yet. Maybe, you're threatened by another stable genius that isn't you? We would've made such a great team. But no. Instead, you wanted to go it alone, and force me to stay locked down, indefinitely, stuck in misery. Not to be confused with Missouri. I'm sure that place sucks, too, but I wouldn't know,because I'm a POW trapped inside America, in a state that will likely succeed should you get re-elected, being persecuted for my beliefs by criminals known only as "the government".

Your a gorrilionaire, right? I'm broke AFF. Dude. You could've paid me $500 to officially brief you for as long as needed, and I'd have doubled my yearly income for 2020. Sadly, that is not a joke. Put me on a goddam task force. Anything. I don't care if it;s the janitorial task force. I'll play Good Will Hunting or whatever that movie was where Matt Damon was super-smart but stuck in a rut or whatever that shit was about. I don't really know, because I probably never saw that one,cause I fucking hate television. Is that why you don't like me? Cause I never seent that show you did? I'm sure it was great. I heard you liked to fire people. I'm sure it was funny and shit. But I really don;t has time for that kind of thing. Ya know? Trying to un-retard humanity after centuries of fuckery and lies and clown world, all within the span of a life, which I'm currently being neglected of a chance to live. See above.

Look. Just send halp. Halp me halp you halp America get un-retarded again. We can do this, bro. You and me! Against all the haters. Perfect Storm. Make it habben

Anonymous ID: 937c69 Sept. 29, 2020, 11:53 p.m. No.10851830   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1857


>Please direct me to some research showing that it doesn't remain constant.

Just a sample. There are moar if you look. Although, search engines can be comped


>We are talking about geological processes that occur over millions of years… a hundred years is an insignificant blip.

No. You're being an idiot who has no imagination. The continent could've separated extremely quickly. You know those "pole-flips" observed at the bottom of the sea floor. Think of it as a frequency, not a span of time. There's something rather obvious that could've done such a thing. Pretty sure it's the only thing that could've done such a thing. And it's incredibly powerful. So powerful, that what you think takes a million years could be done in an instant. And there are multiple tell-tale signs of the Force which is/was responsible for fracturing the Earth's crust, breaking apart the main landmass, frozen in to the geological features, literally across the entire planet. Cohesive, if you know what you're looking for.


…if not a uniformitarian theory then what? Are you saying that all the geological processes that we observe around us are able to be switched on and off?

Catastrophism. A catastrophic event would be something rather rare. Not necessarily a re-occurring thing. Some might be. But I doubt the moon will ever be on a collision course with Earth ever again. FYI, it's entirely possible for the moon to get locked in an instant, following a large discharge like the one that surely would've occurred between two charged bodies of varying voltage potentials. If you know your shit, factor the amperage of a planet, and you'll quickly see how much power can be achieved from even the slightest amount of voltage.


>Plate tectonics is a great theory and explains the phenomena very well.

Except for the part where they never really explain how or why it does the whole plate tectonics thing. They've given a name to it, but never really fully explained anything beyond "we know the plates move slightly a bit, now. They did the same thing with "gravity". Where they identify something, but never really explain the mechanisms behind said "thing". It's just "gravity". To be clear, I'm not saying that "gravity" doesn't exist. Just that most have the slightest clue about what or why it "is". They say it relates to "mass". But they dont really explain how or why "mass" either. They just run in circles. Gravity can be explained by one of the other 3 fundamental" Forces. But in reality, all 4 can be explained by the same One. So, there really is only One True Force of Nature.


>Can't understand your point.

Probably because you're retarded with the rest of humanity. It's okay. You're not alone…


>Didn't really make one…just waffled on about something irrelevant.

I'd say it's pretty fucking relevant if it identifies a root cause which has yet to be recognized by the "scientific" community. Especially, since the entire community hasn't come up with one reasonable explanation to this day. But to each their own


>That semi circular mountain range is exactly what you'd expect from the Indian subcontinent grinding into Asia.

Really? Cause we've seen so many continents, like India, grind into continents, like Asia. Yet, you can't even tell us why the continent where moving in the first place. Why did the continents start moving? Go on. You sound smart. You have "science" on your side. It should be easy! No copypasta. Explain, please, in your own words


>Why so late to the party?

Because I work my ass off all the fucking time. FYI, this is just something I do on my spare time. But I'd blow Neil Pindergass out the fucking water if he ever dared step to me.


>I've been here for 4.5 Billion Years.

Obviously, you haven't dip shit.

But for the record, my ancestors lived among dinosaurs and built structure which you could not fathom with your puny modern-Earthling body. The best explanation you've come up with so far is that "aliens" built them shits, and you're forgetting the part where those megalithic ruins are found in ruin. As in evidence of catastrophes. Within the records of humankind. Definitely not 4.5 billion years ago. Our planet isn't even native to this sun. There is evidence to support that, believe it or not. Watch the water.