>WTF is that?
Uniformitarians are Darwinian faggots. Before Darwin, it was Lyell who laid the foundation for the uniformitarians. Basically, these were con artists who were looking to discredit the Bible, and also subvert the institutions of our nation and others around the world. [Infiltration through invasion]. Pretty much, I could explain the psychological effects from teaching Darwinian evolution in schools like we have been, but you are watching them come to fruition in real time. Lemme ask ya this. How would we have civilization if it was "every man for himself" mentality? Now, you know why they forced it into our education system. Never mind the part where "survival" in our modern society directly relates to how much money one has.
Anywho. Catastrophism was the opposition to uniformitarianism. There were several debates over the last couple centuries. They act like the "science is settled". But, in fact, it is far from it. Rather, they've turned "science" into a dogmatic religion, with the help of the media, of course, and the corruption within our institutions. As I was saying, there were several heated debates between the two sides. Uniformitarians were of the assumption that these changes must have occurred over very long periods of time. They have little to no imagination. However, there is a trick to their ideological [CON]cepts."Prove me wrong] approach. One would have t owait MILLIONS of years to see that the uniformitarians' POV, which we don't have any real observations of. Technically, we don't even have the last thousand years mapped out nearly as accurate as we've been led to believe. The one thing they do have on their side is the minute changes we observe in our day. But they don;t really have any way to test or predict most of their shit, nor do they want to. They just say "gradual changes" over "long periods of time" based on "we see something, now". Never mind identifying what caused the extremely dramatic changes we do admit happened. We just send it back in time, someone proposes a theory, then big money funds a bunch of idiots posing as "scientists" to go out and look for supporting evidence. If you try to disprove said theory, your gonna need a shit ton of your own money, and even then, there are conspiring institutions which will deny you permissions necessary to conduct certain types of research or investigations.
Now, the catastrophists, on the other hand, had ideas, but never really fully identified every catastrophe. The Bible mentions "the great flood", as do other cultures. And we do have much evidence to support that this did indeed occur. However, that was but one catastrophe. And no one, at least until Velikovsky, ever really proposed a rational explanation for how or why such a massive WW flood would occur. There is definitely a logical and scientifical explanation. Here's Velikovsky's:
Now, there were several other catastrophes mentioned in the Bible and other religious and historical texts and "mythology". Not always was their a logical explanation. At least, it we didn't always have the capabilities or tenological advancement we have available today. Now-a-days, we are indirectly "proving" some of these old "out-dated" theories, which were discarded by "science" before they ever really took the time to investigate. But since they took control of the school systems, they began teaching this one ideology (uniformitarianism), with little to no mention of alternative theories, like catastrophism. When they do mention these alternative ideas, they are met with slander. Like, "Those stupid Bible-thumpers think…". Pay attention, because every man, woman, and child had their Freedom of Religion infringed upon by these rulings. And this we are all technically entitled to redress, per the US Constitution. Gonna be a shit-show. But we're long overdue for a global reset.
The catastrophists were right. For the record, not all catastrophists were religious or anything. The father of modern paleontology,George Cuvier, was a catastrophist. This is because all the bones he was finding/observing in the fields were typically in "mass graveyards", scattered and battered and jumbled about. Like, something incredible swept through and whatever got in it's way met a fate unlike anything we'll ever know ourselves. Shit was cray-cray. But for the record, when one reads the Bible, there is validity to the stories. However, there are certain predispositions which make it difficult to translate into anything which makes rational sense in the modern era. But there is certainly a logical explanation, and once reached there is a tremendous amount of light that is shed upon the ball of confusion we call "Earth".