EXCLUSIVE: Joe Biden's brother Frank owes dead man's family $1 MILLION for 80mph car crash - but has never paid a cent in 20 years and the Democratic candidate did NOTHING to help
Joe Biden's youngest brother Frank, 66, is revealed by investigation to owe a grieving family almost $1 million
He has never paid a penny in the 20 years since Michael Albano, a single father, was run over in a fatal car crash near San Diego California in August 1999
Frank Biden had rented the high-powered Jaguar and was in the passenger seat when he put the car into manual, and said 'punch it' to the driver
Albano was hit at up to 80mph by the car and Biden was allegedly heard saying 'keep driving' as the 38-year-old father of two teenagers lay dying on the road
The Albano family sued Biden and he was ordered to pay both the dead man's daughters compensation in 2002 - but has never paid a cent
The dead man's family pleaded in 2008 with Joe Biden - then Barack Obama's running mate - to get his brother to pay up but were told he was penniless
Since then he has earned hundreds of thousands of dollars in string of ventures, including for-profit charter schools and Costa Rican property development
Biden's license was suspended when Albano was killed and has a long history of driving on a suspended license - including this month in pictures