My wife's comment after the debate. "Biden is like a girl. No woman wants that."
Wallace was playing his part. No one is that stupid.
How many times did Wallace say "I'm the moderator!"
Filtering all Mack Davis posts.
Sniffing children should disqualify you from holding high office.
Joe Biden wears the skirt in his family.
Whats the deal with Joes teeth? He should never smile ever, he looks like a demon.
Starring JOE BIDEN! As Your Creepy Uncle That Wont Stop Touching You!
Biden molesting children on video while their parents watch doesn't disqualify Biden enough?
Biden insults every living person in the universe.
After Trump wins "Biden" will be the mother of all curse words.
Catholicism isn't christianity.
I was spent 6 years in catholic school. Then I read the Bible.
Obama wasn't the first gay president.
Yup we are jews who believe Jesus is God.
Just like the apostles.
I usually get a refund like Trump.
The apostles that created christianity were JEWISH.
I only trust John.
the others were in it for money and fame.
Every charity is run by Satan, Jesus doesn't need your money.
Politicians don't either.
Right Don?
Never give your money to a charities.
Clarities are the richest people on the planet. And they don't help the poor they only help themselves.
your pastor is paid $300'000 a year and work 3 days a week.
And laughs at you and probably doesn't believe in Jesus.
Hookers and blow.
Many of them are gay.
I love
Trump with all my heart
but I would never give a billionaire my money.
Jesus doesn't need my money either.
Charities are a scam. Only the apostle John wouldn't take tithes. All the other apostles did because they lacked faith.
>Donald Trump stop begging for poor folks money.
>Sell everything and trust God.
Grow a pair asshole.
Stop emailing me every hour for money . I love you and will vote for you but I am not stupid enough to give a billionaires money. sell some of your assets if you need money.
I am disabled and don't take charity or welfare.
I would never give anyone money. I would starve.
Trump needs to sell it all and trust Jesus.