Anonymous ID: a59c5b Sept. 30, 2020, 2:53 a.m. No.10852785   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2799 >>2831 >>2971 >>3183 >>3321

QAnon followers champion Trump as a savior for trafficked children, but federal prosecutions have dropped by a third over the past 2 years

Published 49 mins ago on September 30, 2020

By Christine Watkins

Anonymous ID: a59c5b Sept. 30, 2020, 2:55 a.m. No.10852795   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3146

Inject Some Bleach in Your Arm

Published 33 mins ago on September 30, 2020

By Christine Watkins


Former Vice President Joe Biden tore into President Donald Trump’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic during Tuesday night’s debate, ticking off a laundry list of some of Trump’s most alarming comments during the public health crisis.


“This is the same man that told you by Easter this would be gone away, by the warm weather it’d be gone, miraculously, like a miracle,” Biden said. “And by the way, maybe you can inject some bleach in your arm and that would take care of it.”


The mention of the bleach comment, one of Trump’s most problematic moments of the pandemic, made Trump try to cut Biden off and declare, “That was said sarcastically.”


On April 23, Trump jumped on an “emerging result” from his own Department of Homeland Security and started spitballing dangerous possible virus treatments that frightened health experts, with one such idea in that briefing including disinfectants.


“And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks [the virus] out [from a surface] in a minute, one minute, and is there a way we can do something like that [by] injection inside or almost a cleaning, because you see it gets on the lungs and it does a tremendous number,” Trump said during the April 23 briefing.


During the coronavirus-focused portion of the debate, Biden consistently slammed Trump for not having a plan as the coronavirus pandemic rages on and the nation’s death toll climbs past 200,000, according to Johns Hopkins University.


Trump also declared he wants to keep the country open as he keeps up a far more optimistic view of the nation’s fight against the virus. The president was emphatic again about a quick timeline for getting a coronavirus vaccine, saying during the debate “you’ll have the vaccine soon.” But earlier this month, when CDC Director Robert Redfield told lawmakers that he thought a vaccine wouldn’t be “generally available to the American public” until “late second quarter, third quarter of 2021,” Trump lashed out at the leading medical official and said Redfield was “confused.”

Christine is busy this morning

Anonymous ID: a59c5b Sept. 30, 2020, 2:57 a.m. No.10852810   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Pompeo to visit Vatican after criticising deal over Chinese bishops

By Jasyson -September 30, 2020


Mike Pompeo, United States secretary of state, will hold talks at the Vatican on Wednesday after weighing into a conflict with the Holy See over its efforts to calm Beijing and secure the rights of Catholics in China.


Mr Pompeo criticised an arrangement struck in between the Vatican and Beijing 2 years ago relating to the consultation of bishops in China, and his authorities visit might possibly involve the Catholic church in the growing stress in between the United States and China.


In a tweet this month, the secretary of state said the Vatican would threaten its ethical authority if it restored its deal with Beijing.


Mr Pompeo will not fulfill Pope Francis, whom he fulfilled in 2015, however will rather hold talks with Cardinal Pietro Parolin, the Vatican’s leading diplomat, raising speculation in the Italian media that the United States criticism has actually decreased severely.


However, the Pope does not constantly fulfill going to foreign ministers and is most likely to desire to appear objective ahead of November’s United States governmental election.


In a post for the anti-secular publication First Things this month, Mr Pompeo argued that the Vatican’s 2018 arrangement with Beijing, the information of which were concealed, marked a surrender to China over the rights of Catholics.


“The church’s hope was that it would improve the condition of Catholics in China by reaching agreement with the Chinese regime on the appointment of bishops, the traditional stewards of the faith in local communities,” he composed.“Two years on, it’s clear that the Sino-Vatican agreement has not shielded Catholics from the party’s depredations”

Anonymous ID: a59c5b Sept. 30, 2020, 3:01 a.m. No.10852827   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2838

Vatican proposes renewal of agreement with China on bishops’ appointments

September 30, 2020 16 Views


The Vatican has proposed to the Chinese government that they extend an agreement signed in 2018 regarding the appointment of bishops, Vatican Media reported.


The agreement, the details of which have never been made public, is set to expire on 22nd October.


‘By October a decision is expected regarding the Vatican proposal to extend the provisional agreement ‘ad experimentum’ (on an experimental basis),’ wrote Andrea Tornielli, editorial director of the Vatican Dicastery for Communication.


The Covid-19 pandemic and its travel-related restrictions slowed negotiations over extending the agreement, Tornielli said, but ‘the results have been positive, although limited, and suggest going forward with the application of the agreement for another determined period of time’.


Tornielli’s article in Vatican News and in L’Osservatore Romano was published on 29th September, the day before US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was scheduled to arrive in Rome for a conference on religious freedom and meetings with officials of the Vatican Secretariat of State.


Urging caution over renewing the agreement, Pompeo had written an article for the magazine First Things on 18thSeptember asking the Vatican to use its ‘moral witness and authority in support of China’s religious believers’.

This is just a deal about appointing Bishop's, anon

That's why it was kept as hush hush as possible

kek here? kek there? where do I insert the kek?

Anonymous ID: a59c5b Sept. 30, 2020, 3:09 a.m. No.10852866   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2900

George Pell hours away from returning to the Vatican for

possible meeting with Pope Francis


By 9 News Staff

7:11pm Sep 30, 2020 + george pell because link sucks


and the Drops about Pell suggest?

Right, who reads the drops anyways?

No really, we are here to help…

Anonymous ID: a59c5b Sept. 30, 2020, 3:13 a.m. No.10852894   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Francis 'loses patience' in Vatican corruption fight

Agence-France Presse

Catherine MARCIANO, Alexandria SAGE

30 September 2020


Pope Francis once likened sorting out the Vatican's tangled accounts to "cleaning the Sphinx of Egypt with a toothbrush".


By dismissing a close aide linked to a murky London property deal in a move described as "the most significant firing of his papacy", analysts say Francis has deployed a pressure washer to alleged in-house financial impropriety.


Last week, the 83-year-old pontiff forced the resignation of Italian Cardinal Angelo Becciu, a prominent member of the church hierarchy and close adviser to the prelate.


The former No 2 at the Vatican's Secretariat of State, which manages the church's vast donations, has been accused of syphoning off funds destined for the poor to family members – a charge he denies.


Becciu has been linked in particular to a controversial luxury property investment deal in London, with at least some of the money used reportedly coming from the annual Peter's Pence collection for the poor.


It is not the only financial scandal to have dogged the Vatican in recent years: in 2017, the ex-head of a Vatican-run hospital was convicted of funnelling a fortune from a foundation to renovate a cardinal's apartment.


And the Vatican bank, known as the IOR, was for decades embroiled in numerous controversies, with one of its former presidents ordered to stand trial on charges of embezzlement and money laundering in 2018.


But Francis has upped the speed of his reforms recently, suggesting he is "losing patience" with moral persuasion and "is more inclined to make heads roll," said John Allen, Vatican expert for the religious news site.


"'Accountability,' in the full American sense of the word, is finally crossing the Tiber in the Pope Francis era," he said, describing it as "by far the most significant firing" of the pontiff's era.


The surprise decision to also strip Becciu of the rights associated with being a cardinal a very rare punishment was a clear signal ahead of an inspection Wednesday by Moneyval, the Council of Europe's anti-money-laundering monitoring body.


Oh well, you tried little buddy

I am positive that you gave it your all

Plus no news and no reality is best for the fragile mind

ain't that right, Frenz?

Anonymous ID: a59c5b Sept. 30, 2020, 3:16 a.m. No.10852906   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Broker’sMaltafirm connected to London scandal that forced Vatican resignation

An Italian insurer has filed a €2 million lawsuit against the Italian director of the Maltese financial services firm Sunset Financials, who is implicated in a Vatican finance scandal

30 September 2020, 11:23am

by Matthew Vella

Poppy is popular this morning

Anonymous ID: a59c5b Sept. 30, 2020, 3:18 a.m. No.10852922   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2926 >>2952 >>2984

Pompeo in tense visit to Vatican as US vote nears

4 hours ago


Secretary of State Mike Pompeo visits Rome Wednesday, just a month ahead of the US elections and hot on the heels of a diplomatic breach with the Vatican, that experts see as an effort to win conservative Catholic votes.


Pompeo will not meet Pope Francis because the pontiff avoids such audiences in campaign periods, a Vatican source said.


Analysts say the pope has also been angered by Pompeo's public calls for a historic Vatican-China accord to be scrapped.


Instead, Pompeo will speak at a symposium organised by the Holy See's US embassy in the Italian capital on Wednesday, before meeting the Vatican's Secretary of State Cardinal Pietro Parolin on Thursday.


Francis has been working hard to repair ties with China, but his overtures run contrary to US President Donald Trump's efforts to push a religious freedom theme against the Communist country in his campaign for a second term.


Pompeo, an evangelical Christian, went on the offensive earlier this month, calling a Sino-Vatican 2018 agreement on appointing bishops, which is up for renewal, a risk to the church's "moral authority" given Beijing's human rights record.


Powerful cardinal Oscar Maradiaga said the US intervention was unwelcome, and clearly linked to the election campaign.


"They're looking for Donald Trump to get elected, and everything is based on that logic. In this sense, I don't think they're acting in the interests of Americans," he said in an interview with the Repubblica daily on the eve of Pompeo's visit.


Francis's opening towards China had particularly angered the "anti-Francis" network close to the US president, he said, led by Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano, the Vatican's former envoy to the US, and Steve Bannon, Trump's former advisor.


Massimo Faggioli, a theologian at the Villanova Catholic University in the US, said there was a concerted effort under way to "turn a certain anti-Francis and anti-Vatican sentiment, which has become more visible in recent years, into votes for Trump".


"Vatican diplomacy is being used for propaganda," he said.

Malta, Malta, Malta!

Anonymous ID: a59c5b Sept. 30, 2020, 3:25 a.m. No.10852951   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2979

I don't know guise but I think Q put me here to guard the Truth.

I think it is my responsibility to control the narrative. To lie to people.

I know it will hurt them more in the long run yet if I can profit from it, increase my popularity while selling the Q, why not?

I doubt Q will say anything about it as Q is just too busy to notice me and my activities. Plus a negro has to pay the bills right?

5:5 o7!