Anonymous ID: b58734 Sept. 30, 2020, 3:46 a.m. No.10853060   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3122 >>3183 >>3321

Pompeo urges Vatican to condemn human rights abuses

in China

September 30, 2020 5:27 am

Associated Press

ROME (AP) — U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is urging the Vatican to join the U.S. in denouncing violations of religious freedom in China. He says the Catholic Church should be at the forefront in the fight to insist on basic human rights there. Pompeo made the appeal at a conference on religious freedom organized by the U.S. Embassy to the Holy See. It took place at the same time the Vatican is entering into delicate negotiations with Beijing on extending its controversial agreement over bishop nominations.In the audience was Archbishop Paul Gallagher, the Vatican foreign minister, who didn’t mention China in his remarks. Instead, Gallagher denounced the imposition of gender ideology in the West as a violation of religious freedom.

Anonymous ID: b58734 Sept. 30, 2020, 3:48 a.m. No.10853070   🗄️.is 🔗kun


You don't have to put on the gas light

Those days are over

You don't have to sell the Q to the night


Anonymous ID: b58734 Sept. 30, 2020, 3:50 a.m. No.10853083   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Pompeo Lobbies Vatican on Religious Freedom Amid

China Spat

By John Follain and Nick Wadhams

September 30, 2020, 6:09 AM EDT

-U.S. secretary of state starts two-day visit to Italy, Vatican

-Pompeo opposes planned renewal of Vatican deal with China

U.S. Secretary of State Michael Pompeo urged the Vatican to ramp up its opposition to governments abusing religious freedom, as he sought allies for the administration’s push against China.


Shortly after landing in Rome on the first day of a two-day visit, Pompeo lost no time in pointing the finger at China, as the Vatican prepares to renew a historic deal on the appointment of bishops in the Asian country.


“Nowhere is religious freedom under assault more than it is inside of China today,” Pompeo told a conference organized by the U.S. embassy to the Holy See. “As with all communist regimes, the Chinese Communist Party deems itself the ultimate moral authority.”


President Donald Trump’s administration has opened a religious front in its campaign to pressure China, picking on the accord over bishops. The Vatican is close to extending the 2018 agreement, as the two states inch toward restoring diplomatic relations after almost 70 years, Bloomberg News reported on Sept. 9.


‘Moral Authority’

“The Vatican endangers its moral authority should it renew the deal,” Pompeo tweeted on Sept. 19. He also published a critique of the agreement in a religious magazine.


Pompeo will not meet Pope Francis when he visits the Vatican on Thursday, holding talks instead with Cardinal Pietro Parolin, the secretary of state, and Archbishop Paul Gallagher, the Vatican’s secretary for relations with states.


Pompeo’s team had initially raised the possibility of an audience with Francis. The pope does not usually grant meetings to government leaders or politicians close to elections, according to Vatican officials who asked not to be named discussing confidential talks.


Pompeo did not refer to the accord with China at the Rome conference, where both Parolin and Gallagher were in attendance. He listed attacks on religious freedom across the globe, noting cases in China, and called for “a Church permanently in defense of basic human rights” and “permanently opposed to tyrannical regimes.”


Gallagher, who told Italian news agency Ansa that the conference was an attempt to exploit the pope’s influence ahead of the Nov. 4 vote in the U.S., said in Rome that “the protection and promotion of religious liberty is one of the main political priorities of the Holy See.”


On the eve of his arrival, Pompeo’s lobbying triggered a rare and brusque rebuttal from a close adviser to Francis, who urged the U.S. secretary of state to stop electioneering and stay out of Vatican affairs.


Anonymous ID: b58734 Sept. 30, 2020, 3:55 a.m. No.10853108   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3111

Corruption watchdog lands in Vatican as row over dirty

dealings continues



SEP 30, 2020 12:27 PM GMT+3

A financial watchdog drafted in by the Vatican to oversee its anti-corruption reforms began its latest inspection on Wednesday, as more reports of dirty dealings in a property investment scandal emerged.


The Council of Europe's anti-laundering body Moneyval will assess "the effectiveness of the legislative and institutional measures" adopted during a recent crackdown on corruption, the Vatican said.


The scheduled inspection comes less than a week after the public downfall of influential Italian Cardinal Angelo Becciu, who was pushed out by Pope Francis following accusations of embezzlement and nepotism.


It also falls on the day Australian Cardinal George Pell, a rival of Becciu who was once tasked with cleaning up the Vatican's finances, was expected back in Rome for the first time since being acquitted of sexual abuse charges.


Becciu has been linked to a luxury property investment deal in London, with at least some of the money used coming from Peter's Pence, a collection intended to be spent on charitable works.


The 72-year-old cardinal and at least six others could face trial on corruption charges, according to Vatican sources.


Prosecution documents allege two Vatican insiders played a key role in the deal, which lost the Vatican millions of dollars, Repubblica newspaper reported.


The pair are accused of pilfering from a Vatican account to pay an Italian middleman, Gianluigi Torzi, who is under investigation for extortion, embezzlement, fraud and money laundering, the paper said.


The Vatican launched an investigation into the deal early last year reportedly after a suspicious activity report was lodged with the Financial Information Authority (AIF), the pope's financial crime watchdog.

Mephistopheles is not your name

but I know what you are up to just the same

Anonymous ID: b58734 Sept. 30, 2020, 4:04 a.m. No.10853158   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3209



Do the Jews run the CIA?

I was with ya until that part at which time it seemed that Logic and reason had left the building…


They were called the Federalists BTW

Anonymous ID: b58734 Sept. 30, 2020, 4:12 a.m. No.10853213   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3241



How about this.

The actual number of flu deaths was kept low for years by counting the real reason people died which was their pre existing conditions.


The real number of seasonal flu deaths while the boomers pass is probably 150k+.


Now, if you get hit by a car and was covid positive, covid got ya!

You are watching a Movie.

The deep state has some ammo remaining and we are being protected from gathering in large groups where we are particularly vulnerable. Plus this gives us an opportunity to do some things that under different circumstances would be rather disruptive.

Covid has almost the same profile as a normal flu.

Got Popcorn?

Anonymous ID: b58734 Sept. 30, 2020, 4:16 a.m. No.10853227   🗄️.is 🔗kun



"Prohibited from nearly every other trade, some Jews began to occupy an economic niche as moneylenders in the Middle Ages. Only they were allowed to take interest on loans, since—while the Church condemned usury universally—canon law was only applied to Christians and not to Jews. Eventually, a sizable sector of the European Jewish community were engaged in financial occupations, and the community was a financially highly successful part of the medieval economy.[3][4] The religious restrictions on moneylending had inadvertently created a source of monopoly rents, causing profits associated with moneylending to be higher than they otherwise would have been.[5] By most parameters, the standard of living of the Jewish community in Early Medieval period was at least equal to that of the lower nobility.[6] However, despite this economic prosperity, the community was not safe: religious hostility increased to the extent that it manifested itself in the form of massacres and expulsions, culminating in the repetitive expulsion of all Jews from various parts of Western Europe in the late medieval period.

Although the phenomenon of "Court Jewry" did not occur until the early 17th century, examples of what would be later called court Jews can be found earlier in Jewish moneylenders who accumulated enough capital to finance the royalty and the nobility. Among them was Josce of Gloucester, the Jewish financier who funded Richard de Clare, 2nd Earl of Pembroke's conquest of Ireland in 1170,[7] and Aaron of Lincoln, presumably the wealthiest individual in 12th-century Britain, who left an estate of about £100,000.[5][8] Also notable was Vivelin of Strasbourg, one of the wealthiest persons in Europe in the early 14th century, who lent 340,000 florins to Edward III of England on the eve of the Hundred Years' War, in 1339.[9] By the 16th century, Jewish financiers became increasingly connected to rulers and courts. Josef Goldschmidt (d. 1572) of Frankfurt, also known as "Jud Joseph zum Goldenen Schwan", became the most important Jewish businessman of his era, trading not only with the Fuggers and Imhoffs, but also with the nobility and the Church.[10] In the early 17th century the Habsburgs employed the services of Jacob Bassevi of Prague, Joseph Pincherle of Gorizia, and Moses and Jacob Marburger of Gradisca.

At the dawn of mercantilism, while most Sephardi Jews were primarily active in the west in maritime and colonial trade, the Ashkenazi Jews in the service of the emperor and princes tended toward domestic trade.[11]They were mostly wealthy businessmen, distinguished above their co-religionists by their commercial instincts and their adaptability. Court Jews frequently came into conflict with court rivals and co-religionists.

The court Jews, as the agents of the rulers, and in times of war as the purveyors and the treasurers of the state, enjoyed special privileges. They were under the jurisdiction of the court marshal[disambiguation needed], and were not compelled to wear the Jews' badge. They were permitted to stay wherever the Emperor held his court, and to live anywhere in the Holy Roman Empire, even in places where no other Jews were allowed. Wherever they settled they could buy houses, slaughter meat according to the Jewish ritual, and maintain a rabbi. They could sell their goods wholesale and retail, and could not be taxed or assessed higher than the Christians. Jews were sometimes assigned the role of local tax collectors."

Anonymous ID: b58734 Sept. 30, 2020, 4:25 a.m. No.10853286   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3319


(((them))) traditionally means "THE JEWS" and even though Mossad and Israel is involved and far from innocent they are not at the tippy top like so many in bred racist want to believe because muh bible and a shit ton of [VATICAN] GATE KEEPER busy bee's a buzzing.

Anonymous ID: b58734 Sept. 30, 2020, 4:35 a.m. No.10853334   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Who is censoring?

I am pointing out that most people have been fed an illusion. Surrounding yourself with willing scapegoats is a good survival strategy.