Anonymous ID: 1d1f80 April 17, 2018, 8:42 p.m. No.1085649   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5684


Perhaps Q meant a greater meaning for #17, but clown decided to distort it by screwing that plane today (April 17).

>We are being set up.

So, black hats might want to implicate Q with today's plane accident.

>The FBI opened a case on “Q” today re: ‘Boom’ statements


Anonymous ID: 1d1f80 April 17, 2018, 8:55 p.m. No.1085805   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Clowns objective is to distort.

If '17' and 'plane' meant Alan Dershowitz, then clown had to turn that around and make it about today's plane event intended to put dirt on Q.

So, what I think is that Q will be very cautious about what info he drops.