Anonymous ID: 6b5656 April 17, 2018, 9:17 p.m. No.1086050   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Wrote this: >>1084777

>What is their most posted TRASH SHILL topic? Anti Jewish propaganda - the OLDEST trick in the cabal book second only to blaming women for the fall of mankind - BOTH MADE UP BY THE CHURCH A[N]D USED FOR CENTURIES BY THE CABAL.


This shill trash really started getting hard core shortly after Q's Ray Chandler drop.

Cabal saw the real power of Infinity Chan Anons and decided to take it up a notch.

This shilling tactic isn't meant for the Kekistan Army.


It's meant for the newbies and normies who come here to see what's up, find this place is just another nazi hate group, and leave.

This tactic paints Q , Autists , and #TheGreatAwakening itself in a very bad light.

Discredits the movement.

Keeps ppl un-woke.


The Autists won't be stopped.

They can't be stopped.

That's the REAL reason why Q chose this specific location to drop crumbs.

Onceyou've been fully red-pilled the lies don't have any effect. Clear as day.

They're on to this shit.

They filter and go about their digs. Patriots.


#TheGreatAwakening has already been let out of the bottle. There's no putting it back in.