Children, I am so old I can talk the way I do and its ok.
You must believe actively in God at each moment.
You DO NOT have to worry about these deep state things … we see now the deep state people have ruled us for a long time. I used to think the currencies of thw world were pound, dollar, petrodollar, perhaps silk, silver, gold. Now thanks to the work of T and Q I see the currency of the world has been children and their blood for thousands of years. Am I right on that?
But the vatican bank, the fed, … now obey QT. Because God has taken T by the hand and lead him there.
So WHY do you worry about tactics, how to best beat the joe?
You DONT have to worry about tactics.
Look what God has done already in this matter!
So, now, just take up that armor God has given you. Put it on. The sword is the words in your mouth. Be calm. Stand.