Anonymous ID: a7d6dc Sept. 30, 2020, 6:40 a.m. No.10854181   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4458 >>4770

They have always been here!

Throughout human history people have testified that they heard telepathic voices or messages through dreams.

These voices and messages were in a variety of languages and were interpreted as the voices of God in a variety of cultures.


These extraterrestrials have an agenda of minimum direct intervention.

So they developed advanced neurological technology.


This technology has made it possible to perform neurological mapping that makes it possible to analyze the thinking patterns of living things.


This capability has made it possible to create an advanced replication of human consciousness based on hive mind AI.

Once hive mind AI was developed, these extraterrestrials applied their technology to manage civilizations by minimizing direct intervention.


The technology works by manipulating the electromagnetic field on the electrical conductors of the neurons in the brain and so on the brain waves.


Everything is recorded mind electromagnetic field. It allows them to make voices of people from your past and use their and your own memories.


All that is written in the Bible is their manipulations by several groups of aliens. They simply run the world by mind control. All the people who reported hearing a voice in their head was actually their mind control technology.