Anonymous ID: 5e8f01 Sept. 30, 2020, 10:18 a.m. No.10856784   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The answer to the question of "Will you renounce White Supremecism"


"stop with your hateful division tactic, race baiting, and whoever groups Pride shaming, whites, blacks, gays, anyone.

It's OK if you think you're supreme, as long as you don't think that makes you more supreme than all the rest.


the talking point 'white supremeicist is an operational effort to smear.

this senator is repeating the operational effort, where they say the operational phrase over and over , in the form of a poorly written letter. It's obvious marketting of a bad idea.

'surpemiscist' but it has a white one.

Green ones, orange ones, yellow ones, black ones, transparent ones, and untransparent supremeacy is a bad thing in any case if it's mean or horid and throws people against a wall, and hurt thm.


but the operatioal effor it to say that phrase as many times as he can in a short period so it sticks in people's head and then tehy start saying too.

that's called hypnosis. He's willingly doing that to the public.




rainbow flavored . . .

Anonymous ID: 5e8f01 Sept. 30, 2020, 10:27 a.m. No.10856916   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I will renounce 'rainbow flavored supremecism' where any group of any kind that gets put out as the 'best' by someone, that someone is displaying a supremicist point of view, and I reject that when it's mean and it throws people into a bad situation unexpectedly, through intimidation tactics, and that includes senators and MSM journalists who do the same types of things.