This is a conversation best had at a later date, when we aren't taking time away from potentially noticing pertinent information coming through here, especially since it's such a big question that most normies (and anons, even) would really like to be answered.
What you think of as "God" separated itself and set out to experience all of itself from limitless perspectives.
You were apart of that decision. You chose to come here in this form and under these circumstances so that you could witness what's unfolding right now.
As alluded to via Ra in Law of One, you are here to grow, to grow in Wisdom and Compassion such that you emanate a higher vibration and therefore bring about a higher vibration to this plane.
You can accomplish this by unlocking certain prerequisites. In doing so, you will help others along the way (service to others) and quicken the pace of the Awakening.
>Why am I awake?
You should really ask (You).
Smile. (You) are watching.