>If q is a con, and the us military is fully compromised to force itself upon its own towns, families and friends… you can just stop right there. If such could/would occur, u must concede that there would be NO functioning “system” at all remaining to continue carrying out your dystopian nightmare. The actual nightmare will be a complete dog eat dog. Better question, are you really ready for that?
This anon is correct if military would do such thing. Problem is, military is sons and daughters being asked to turn on their own.
Which is why, (((they))) were taking the time to set up the foreigners here. Everyone saw the tank loads of military equipment come IN for the Jade Helm exercises.
Anyone see that equipment leave?
I did not.
I suspect they got it out of sight, put it in the DUMBS to be ready for the foreign invaders that were making their way across southern borders, and… frankly, the real reason Obama was placing refugees in small towns all over the nation…. pissing people off.
No, they were going to attack, but now the UN appears to have lost all the equipment sent here. I suspect rods from god weapons closed the tunnel enterances where it was safe to do so.
I also suspect if the equipment is good (new) it would be added to US military now.
Originally, NAFTA highway cutting US in half starting at east coast of Mexico, was planned to create avenue for tanks equipment running up center of the US.
So. We dodged a bullet.
But, make no mistake.
2A is more important than ever.
SOME Generals over in Brittan talking coup on the US and putting it in writing over there.
Estimates 80% for Trump, 20% might be stupid and try.
In this instance, the US militia would be called up. The true militia as described in the Constitution is 4x larger than the Chinese army, and is made of all us hunters, vets, first responders, etc.
That 20% would never have a chance.
I suspect if those Generals are not careful, they will end up in the chair.