Only women?
tracking anons?
i think its funny
uptight shift is uptight
"what if someone was gay, but also rides a harley?"
"then he'd be a gay faggot, how are they not getting this"
potus wants to win, there's no way he'd deputize someone like me, lol
here ya go
The Most Feared Equation In The World
This most feared equation is called the Mandelbrot Set and is the set of complex numbers c for which the function f(z)=z²+c does not diverge when iterated, i.e., for which the sequence f(0), f(f(0)), etc., remains bounded—and don’t worry if you don’t understand this because even some scientists have enormous difficulty understanding it too.
And just like one can use a modern smartphone without having the slightest idea of how it is made, or even being able to describe all of the parts that make it, so too is the Mandelbrot Set utilized in many spheres and disciplines by experts who can’t fully describe it, they only know that it works.
At the heart of the Mandelbrot Set equation, you see, is the repetition of patterns at all scales from micro (tiny) to macro (large)—which more simply put means that everything known to man is locked in a never ending series of repeating cycles.
And with this being so, the ability to predict anything is only limited by knowing its full cycle—which for almost everything is nearly impossible due to the infinite universe we live in.
This cannot, however, be said about the historical cycles of man (History Always Repeats Itself) as for thousands of years the circular nature of governments, societies, economies, wars, you name it, have not only been extremely well documented, they make the world we live in today as predictable as the headlines of yesterdays newspaper.
Even the Bible knows the truth of Mandelbrot Set and in the Old Testament Book of Ecclesiastes (Chapter 1 Verse 9) it plainly states: “What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.”
They're not even trying
[C]orney before [D]eclass
>>10860213, >>10860229, >>10860300 Posobieck: Ernst Thalmann, founder of Antifa, jews roots