Knows something about Hunter?
In many ways I feel everyone who loves their country already has been due to the Founding Fathers, what they sought to prevent, and what we literally see taking place before our eyes.
Having something is one thing, doing something about it is another.
Is it lost on anyone that these Brennan connected now public drops come after his meeting with Barr? I wonder if he truly did sell Comey down the river and this is just stage setting to announce on Comey.
QAnon is an information dissemination source meant to assure the public can research issues that matter to the country and effectively spread the word thus assuring a large net of dissemination. Without it the POTUS would likely have never gotten 80+% of any of his information out to the public.
But I would think they aren't a legal source planning to prosecute as the defense would have a field day with that one. At the end of the day it is, as it always has been throughout the entire history of our species, up to the people to determine and then assure the society they want comes into being. More times than not it isn't a smooth situation to say the least. My point is that I personally think that until the people are ready to handle the obvious corruption will not fully be handled because those fucking things up right now would have no reason to be worried by not doing anything about it knowing the mass public isn't about to come after them.
Trump is just one man, the most powerful single man on the planet, true, but they have had many decades to seed the corruption into every thing and it shows. The biggest gift Donald Trump gave the citizens of the United States was time, he gave us the time needed to either handle the problems or lose. It's just that simple in my opinion.
I know of one: ANTIFA. They clearly have such a low opinion of what POC are capable of that they feel they can speak for, fight for, and control everything for them. All while being scrawny unemployed dorks who are white and failed the gene test for procreation thus leading them down their toxic path.
It doesn't get much more white supremacist than that and just for the record, when the FBI speaks of "White Supremacists"…. they are clearly referring to ANTIFA which I am surprised nobody has ever brought up. They quite literally are similar to early Nazi Germany round up parties to shock the public and pave the way for new management to alter a nation.
It's a good point, I never thought a debate would happen
Am I the only one who thought the "bride" was the tranny emoji showing what is clearly a man wearing a loud colored wig while wearing a dress? God I hope 4chan sees this post and makes a meme for it because this has serious potential.
I don't care about the frenzy or mass calls, etc, as I always follow what my own logic and research tells me and in that case it was incorrect. I just didn't see it happening for various reasons, most of which never even mentioned here, but I was wrong in regards to the debate.
Baker I am noticing a lot of inorganic posts pushing people to and oddly out of place referencing QAGG. Until we get a confirmation from QAnon on legitimacy I would recommend caution.
No, none. But until it is confirmed legit it would be highly stupid to go there given we don't know who controls it