Anonymous ID: 2f2b52 April 17, 2018, 9:33 p.m. No.1086212   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6241 >>6253 >>6278 >>6344 >>6445 >>6463 >>6498 >>6501



Trump:  If I can do it, so can you.


World Leader:  B-but, you're made of Teflon! You have Mattis and Rogers, you have the Bully Twitter Pulpit and that NYC swag!


T:  But I would have a lot more if you'd work with me…and you know full well you and your country would have a lot lot more if you and I can work together.


WL:  B-but they've threatened me, my family and my nation!


T:  Believe me, I understand. Imagine that on top of the press running your name through the gutter 24/7/365.  I get it, I came up in NYC real esta-


WL:  But, Donal-


T:  You think I'd give up a life leisurely enjoying luxury, fame and public favor if I didn't know what I was doing and what my country, your country, the world was capable of?


..besides……."we have it all".


WL:  You wha- (?)


T:  All of it!


WL:  A-am…am I i-implicated?


T:  Back to what I was saying…I have it all; a successful enterprise, a beautiful wife and family, the Oval Office even, but, I, you and your country could have a lot more options if you'd work with me instead of with them.


WL:  ……..


T:  Your silent aquiesence sounds like we have a deal!


WL:  What's the plan, Don?


T:  Well, you can't know the whole entirety of the plan but this is where you fit in seeing as your leverage in this negotiation is from a point where, your business, home, assets? Frozen and seized. The remainder of your life? Spent in prison and/or running from mobs.


WL:  But Donald they've already got me in a prison!!!


T:  And I'm trying to get you out.


Now…listen carefully and trust the plan.