Anonymous ID: 588c5d April 17, 2018, 9:34 p.m. No.1086223   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6237

A look at the younger generation of Cuban leaders (ABC) 4/18/2018


Some of the next generation of Cuban leaders as Raul Castro prepares to give up the presidency:






Diaz-Canel is expected to become the first non-Castro to hold Cuba's top office since the 1959 revolution led by Fidel Castro and younger brother Raul.


He will confront a stagnant economy, decaying infrastructure, a hostile U.S. administration and widespread disenchantment with Cuba's centrally planned system. And he will do so with Raul Castro looking over his shoulder as the former president keeps the post of first secretary of the Communist Party.


Diaz-Canel, who turns 58 on Friday, has largely stayed out of the limelight and not given the public a clear picture of what to expect from his leadership. He has been seen at greatest length in a leaked video of a Communist Party meeting where he somberly pledged to shutter some independent media and labeled some European embassies as outposts of foreign subversion. He appeared to soften his image with some public comments in March.


Diaz-Canel, who graduated from the University of Santa Clara in 1982 then did three years of obligatory military service, was an engineering professor at the school. He joined the Young Communists' Union in 1987 and worked his way up through the Communist Party hierarchy starting with provincial positions.


In 2009, he received his first national post when Raul Castro named him minister of higher education. He rose to vice president in 2012, then was first vice president in 2013.






Murillo is known as the czar of the economic reforms implemented under Raul Castro that represent a relatively small opening to private enterprise.


He was an obscure figure until 2009, when he was appointed minister of economy and planning and later vice president of the Council of Ministers. The Cuban public then got to see him on TV as he defended the new economic policies in the legislature, at time in exchanges with Raul Castro.


In 2012, media outlets in Florida reported that a daughter, Glenda Murillo, had moved to the U.S. It was an uncomfortable situation for a senior government official with oversight of the island's economy but family members said she left for personal, not political reasons.


Some official biographies say he has a degree in economics and once worked as an auditor in the ministry of food industry. Born Feb. 19, 1961, he has been a professor at the Central University of Las Villas. He has been involved with the Communist Party since the 1990s and the Young Communists before then.






Rodriguez is well-known outside Cuba because he has served as foreign minister in recent years and has defended the island in international forums.


Born Jan. 22, 1958, in Mexico, Rodriguez is the son of a high-ranking Cuban official who held various posts during the Cuban revolution. He studied law at the University of Havana and held posts with the Young Communists and the Federation of University Students, a base of support for the government.


He served in Angola in 1991 before he was appointed to run the newspaper Juventud Rebelde. In 1993-2004, he served as ambassador to the U.N. and then as deputy minister of foreign affairs.


As foreign minister he replaced Felipe Perez Roque, who had been seen as a potential successor to Fidel Castro until he fell from grace. Rodriguez has been part of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party since 2012.






A forestry engineer by training, Lopez is the only woman among the top ranks of the new leadership. She served as first secretary of the powerful Communist Party of Havana and as a vice president of the Council of State.


She is one of the younger members of the senior leadership, born on Sept. 1, 1964. She previously served as director of the Union of Young Communists in western Pinal del Rio province.


Like many senior officials, her public biography is brief. But in recent years she represented Cuba in various tours in African nations and achieved a higher degree of national visibility.


Guys. Who can be the Replace of Raul Castro?






Anonymous ID: 588c5d April 17, 2018, 9:43 p.m. No.1086280   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6313


I know that what happens in Cuba. it has world repercussion. and More for Center/Southamerica (Specially Colombia, Nicaragua, Bolivia and Venezuela, Even Canada and Spain (Castro is from Galicia, Spain)

Xi loves Castro

Be Alert Anons. I'll see that.

Anonymous ID: 588c5d April 17, 2018, 10:09 p.m. No.1086489   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6583


Fidel and Raul Castro are from Galicia, Spain. A very particular place. maybe perfect for the Bloodlines.




Correct. The Cabal infiltrated the Center/Southamerican countries with help of Spain and the C_A. Remember that Franco was in the 60's. Could Franco have done a deal for to infiltrate the Spain Empire again?


I think that so. The perfect germ was/is the communism with Cuba Colombia and Nicaragua. just look the Sandinism. They work for the C_A. Also the Invasion of Cuba was a training for the Drugs in the future.


Spain plays a important role in America. They're the masterpuppet of Center/southamerica.


The Spanish Empire never finished. Still exist. But only with Terrible and dictatorial Govr.


if The Mr. Trump wants to terminate the Immigration to USA. First He has to cut the connections with Cuba/Canada/Spain. So that can be resolved.

Anonymous ID: 588c5d April 17, 2018, 10:22 p.m. No.1086570   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Podesta: Comey Was an ‘Idiot’ in Handling of Clinton Investigation


Very interesting. it seems that Comey is the BlackSheep (For Both Sides) in this Act.

Anonymous ID: 588c5d April 17, 2018, 10:30 p.m. No.1086634   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6654


>but quite a few individuals from the city named Armenia in Colombia (home of Medellin Cartel co-founder Carlos Leader)


Armenia was the born of Kazharia (Capital), it's very obvious that They have relationship, Hmm, The people of Bilbao And Galicia has RH- also.


The blold hair of the Kazharian was taken out of the Baltic/German/Slavic people.


All Connected. Why Castro came from Galicia, Spain?


<Seems like enough clown connections there to make for an alternate meaning from Q's post about Armenia???


Yep, it's better to do a Armenian thread. (I think that Already exist in the Board). With QAnon (Harp), His blood and Culture is enough.


Ps: I need more traffic in /HispanicQresearch/ :(

Anonymous ID: 588c5d April 17, 2018, 11:04 p.m. No.1086934   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Hm. Let's see. Hundreds of Years Ago. The Annunakis (Just manipulate our DNA, not our Creators) and another being, created the Human Being.


it was divided in 4 categories.


Copper race (Northamerica Hopi, Alaska, etc Centeramerica, Maya, Aztec,) Southamerica (Inca, Mapuche, some of Brazil unknown)


Different Cultures, but of aspect very similar to each other. Brown Eyes


White Race (Hispanic, French, German, Baltic, Slavic, Central Asia, anothers)


There between Brown, Blondes, Redheads, Eyes, Blue, Brown, Green, yellow. The White People has Genes of them in his DNA, for that The Bloodlines for to keep the lineage.


Black People


They originally was created for be Slaves for the forced labor. the rumor that The Man came to Africa is false. it was a complete experiment of them (Bad ET's, Angels, how do you want to call them). In Theory, The Black people is the first of the World.


Because They are the more docile of the control.


And maybe it's the Case with the people of the Middle East and his Islam. A few less. but with control. Almost the DNA of the Middle east is very similar (Includes Turkey, Iran, Central Asia)


it says a rumor that The RedHeads are of Central Asia. emigrate through to Russia. for that The Russian redheads (e.e). There Kurds that Are Redheds also. In Egypt there was a lot of White People before than Now.


The Yellow People.


That People has more connection with the Reptilians and his DNA, of fact, They're more intelligence that us. Westerners. with 6% or 7% of More mental capacity.


In South of Asia also there a interesting DNA. something mixed with the Asians. also with Muslim influence. Asin Myarmar, Malasia and indonesia.


An important Date.


The people of Oceania.


This people has the DNA more old of Our history, with 10.000 years Ago. That Black People hasn't any connection with Africa. born there with Australia. and even, The Egyptians arrived to Australia thousands of years ago. for that the petroglyphs.


And a impotant connection with Lemunia the people of micronesia and Hawaii. They aren't nothing seemed, They're different. but share a culute that thousands of years. it had existed a Yuge continent of the Pacific.


Same with Atlantis. The bloodlines came to Atlantis. The grandfather of Plato was atlante. Also of White People or Blue People, I don't sure of that point.


Hmm. As I'm seeing the Thing. Sergei brid that the He wants to live Forever. In Orion. the matriarchy of Orion. could to have the eternal life (Source of the Eternal life),


Da vinci that some pictures. and he was initiated as rosicrucian, same with Newton.


The fight agaisnt Big Tech/Bio-Tech will be incredible