Anonymous ID: d28969 April 17, 2018, 10:26 p.m. No.1086602   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Crazy shit calls for crazy theories:

From 1999



111 Explanation


Have you been seeing 111 or 1111 lately?

You are not alone!


Dearest Readers,


It was my quest to understand the haunting recurrence of the triple numbers that continued to show up that this page was first created.


As you read the pages and pages of folks from all beliefs and all countries in the world you will soon see you are not alone in your experiences of seeing triple numbers.


It is as if some unseen force telepathically turns your eyes to the 1111 address on a house, to the clock at 11:11am then 1:11pm and again as you go to bed at 11:11pm…and it is!


What ever your belief, acknowledge that God/Spirit/Angels are telling you you are on your path and to say, "Thank-you" for them talking to you.


We would be startled/frightened if a huge Angel appeared to us, or God spoke into our left ear… we would most likely discount the information.


But, the recurrence of the triple numbers is a subtle and constant reminder that something magical something Divine is happening.


An experience very similar as portrayed in the movie, "Encounters of the Third Kind" when all the actors were searching … searching for the meaning of the mountain…and their search brought them together, as the following pages will bring you together with others.


Dr. Doreen Virtue's book HEALING WITH THE ANGELS Healing with the Angels

explains more about triple numbers.


Angelic blessings,

Mary Ellen ^I^ "Angel Scribe"


Now, here is a thumbnail explanation of the number sequences that the angels use to communicate with us:


Whenever you see the sequence 111 or 1111 show up, it is a great sign of a golden opportunity. Both sequences mean that a "doorway" has opened up in which your intentions and goals will manifest extremely quickly. The Angels have taught me to focus my thoughts and intentions whenever I see 111 or 1111, almost like making a wish when a cake with candles is presented to you.


In addition, you may notice that 1's show up next to other numbers. The other numbers mean something, too. Anytime you see the number "4" next to 1's, it is a sign that the Angels seek to help you to manifest your heart's desire. For instance, 114, 411, etc. Four ones – 1111 – which adds up to "4" means that the angels want you to ask them to get involved with manifesting, especially when the manifesting involves your life's purpose or giving service to the world.


1's next to 7's means that you will experience great fortune, synchronicity or what some people would call "good luck" that will lead you to manifest your heart's desire. A "9" next to the 1's means that your goal is almost completed and/or that you are coming to the end of one phase of your life (one door is closing and another is opening). A "3" next to the 1's asks you to surrender your goals and desires to Spirit, and ask for guidance about what to manifest.


The angels seek to give us answers and guidance in so many ways, and when they call our attention to number sequences, it is a true sign of their love and power. The more you notice these signs, the more frequently they will show up in your life. Once you understand the signs' meaning, and once you accept that they are not coincidences, but purposeful events, you will enjoy even closer communications with your angels.


Note: from Rob in the Netherlands


I had been practizing the Merkaba meditation now for almost one and a half year. This I had learned from a facilitator from The Flower of Life which, as an ancient secret and very powerfull meditation, has been brought back to earth by Drunvalo Melchizedek. According to Drunvalo the numbers have the folowing meaning and in these final times will repeatly show up in our lives because of the proces we have to go through.Here they are:


Three of more of the same number (digital clock 2:22, 11:11, etc.) 111: Energy flow * Enhancing whatever level you are presently in *