concernfagging here …. I hope Q realizes that when every gun owner Is buying so much ammo that none is left to buy and people are talking about how they are preparing for Civil War.
people are sick and tired of the bullshit to say the VERY least. We are tired of the traitors, of the lies, debauchery, erosion of family values, disintegration of wholesome morals, the crime, feeling unsafe, the outright hate of Christians, crimes against children and humanity.
The evil that surrounds us is suffocating. Everything wholesome and good is being erased. The history of this great nation is being erased. White genocide is happening.
People are ready to rise up and take our country back. It’s like the wars between the Saxons and Vikings back in the day. A war of Christianity versus the heathen. Good vs Evil. People are ready to die for this country. I’m ready to kill some evil motherfuckers. Hell, back in the day it would have happened already.
Let’s get this shit ON. We are desperate for justice. And if it doesn’t happen soon people are gonna start taking into their own hands.