Anonymous ID: 38fa73 Sept. 30, 2020, 6:18 p.m. No.10861930   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1943 >>1962 >>2003 >>2102 >>2478 >>2627

>>10858681b PB

For our Military on the Holistic Health Solutions Notable:


>Citing 13 brigades-worth of non-deployable troops, Army looks to holistic health solutions


Dear Military,

Biofag Anon, Dumping research sauce to help you.Post contains following research.

1/4) Vitamin/mineral toxicology assays (change spark plugs before engines, right?)

2/4) Three major food problems and repairing the permanent gut, nerve, metabolic damage ( video sauce)

3/4) Three major food problems continued. (research sauce)

4/4) The biggest breakthroughs happening now on body/brain/nerve repair (could use military help on this since the military has a lot of injuries that complicate the skellital and nervous system. The mushroom with the nerve growth factor capable of repairing nerve damage is a natural substance (that tastes like lobster) but… you know… there goes big pharma. No $$$$ Lots of good news and possiblilties here for /ourguys/ !!!!


First up, Deficiencies, and Toxins mucking up the otherwise fine tuned human body. Eliminate these two as a problem.


1) Vitamin/Mineral assay. (What is not in the body that is NOT there, that it needs to run correctly.) MANY are deficient. Deficiencies vary with lifestyle, food intake type while growing as children. In particular, check Omega 3's since these are severely deficient in Americans, and have much to do with body repair, connective tissue healing, joints, muscle building etc. See also sublingual B's for stress repairs, nerve repairs)

This is just one sauce. Lots of labs. Would recommend mineral assay also.


To find latent metabolic problems, would recommend another panel.


2) Toxicology assay. (What is in the body that does NOT belong there, gumming up and poisoning the works, so that the body is less efficient, severely damaged?) Heavy metal low dose poisoning is very common and binds up body function severly. Even a small amount cripples body chemistry. (Pic Related).


Be on look out also for those youngsters who may have been poisoned by wasp spray neurotoxin also. Spouse is M.D. who was poisoned with this. Took DHA+glutathion+EGCG from green tea and treatment length of one year to repair the panic disorder that suddenly happened. Spouse is now fine..

Here is one lab that does the heavy metal panels. There are many.


Correct these two above, before attempting anything else to make the whole process easier. Once these are eliminated, the search for more complex issues becomes much easier.

Oh… keep food allergies in mind.

Whats not there that should be?

What is there that should NOT be?

Next: Info On Current Food Problems and solutions:


1/4 end

Anonymous ID: 38fa73 Sept. 30, 2020, 6:19 p.m. No.10861943   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2478 >>2627




Three food major problems apparent in the research:


1) Glutamate as excitotoxin. Many were raised on it. Flavor enhancer overstimulates tongue nerves. Also overstimulates bodily nerves, and brain nerves to a point of killing nerves in about 1/20 people. PTSD, Rage Disorder, Temporal lobe seizure, full seizure, sudden youth heart attacks can result.

Science labs use glutamate if they need to kill nerves for research.

Infant formulas with excitotoxins caused permanent neuro damage until they took it out of infant food, however we know it passes through womb, and mothers eat plenty of it. Unborn fetus is damaged at the eye nerves. Breast fed, or glutamate fed toddler is damaged in neuro areas that determine body weight at puberty, setting it too high. Children are thin, then blimp out at puberty without capacity for weight loss, no matter how active.

To deal with this, the neurology must be understood. You need neurologist on your teams. Vid related neurologist can point the way and is worth contacting. Vid is about molecular pathway of vaccine nerve damage, and the molecular cascade that causes it, but, also covers repair of/ protection from this type of damage. Well worth the listen.


The Central Mechanism By Which Vaccines Induce Autism - Dr Russell Blaylock Lecture


2/4 end

Anonymous ID: 38fa73 Sept. 30, 2020, 6:20 p.m. No.10861962   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2478 >>2627





Science Roundup of GMO research

2) GMO is man made, foreign to human liver. See the GMO original FDA where tomatos, potatos killed mice. Soy, rape seed (canola) and yellow corn GMO did not kill mice in 90 day. Long term studies on the last three caused severe sex specific cancers. This is a sign that there is no safe GMO food in the long term. Get this food out of the diet. Clean food necessary.

Science sources on numerous GMO studies

(5 Pics Related)


3) Trans fats - finally removed for the most part, but, those troops you have were raised on it. (all life is cis - right hand molecules. Trans are left hand mirror image molecules, but body tries to use them if cis not available.) Main cause of type 2 diabetes/insulin resistance. Trans molecule wrinkles insulin receptors on cells, like a left hand glove forced on to right hand. Make sure no trans molecules in the diet.


The above is general, easy to do with the diet, common sense. Do not run a deisel engine on gas, right? Same with the body.


Next on repair of body/brain/nerve/gut/ trauma damage. Oddly the most recent science is showing these are all related, and this is a surprise.


3/4 end

Anonymous ID: 38fa73 Sept. 30, 2020, 6:23 p.m. No.10862003   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2478 >>2606 >>2627




Brain, Neve damage, skelletal damage and repair as related to the gut flora, and Nerve Growth Factor from the Lions Main Mushroom.


Biggest breakthroughs in body/brain repair, redently: We need some government research on this because the mushroom is natural, but, the results look really promising. This would be great for injured troops, concussions, auditory, visual nerve damage, even limb nerve damage IF it works.


1) It appears so far, that brain damage from vaccines/ environmental toxins may also be repaired now from food sourced Nerve growth factor (NGF) contained lions main mushroom (pic 1 related, gourmet mushroom/ healthy food now being used to repair brain damage from auto accidents etc. )

Amazing stuff, the lions main mushroom. We dont know a lot yet, but, looks promising as hell.

Who knew the brain had an immune system that could be damaged by even normal illness, 100 years ago? Current vaccine theory ignores gut and brain immune system, causing damage to both.

Damage can be repaired.

Cutting edge stuff.

(Pic 2 and 3 related and further research done on nerve/brain repair using NFG from Lions Main Mushroom).


2) Gut flora damage from food additives causing mal absorbtion = deficiencies even if a person eats right. See "metabolic syndrome" forcing carbs into fat storage pathway. See also ways to restore gut micro flora rapidly, so that carbs can be used in the energy pathway instead of being forced down the fat storage pathway. See also, recent research on Lactobacillus Reuteri to restore Metabolic disorder gut problems.

Even more important for body trauma repair, you may want a heads up on this.

Who would have guessed that the gut could heal the spine, metabolic disorder mentioned above, inflammation, and many other things.

PDF: Gut Microbiota Are Disease-Modifying Factors After Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury


(PicRelated is Abstract. PDF is full article)



Ok Troops. Truth is stranger than fiction, and the head bone is connected to the leg bone?

Uh….. You are what you eat?

Stranger science has happened.

Food is good stuff. I am so happy to live in a day where we can rip food apart for it's medicine.

Special Request from this biofag to our beloved military.

Would you good Colonels and Generals consider doing some research for us on repairing concussions, and nerve damage with this mushroom and with these probiotics? We sorely need it. The mushroom is not patented so forget big pharma. But, it looks to be important for our troops, so hey. How about it /guys/????,


If you can work through this, and troops can be bodily repaired, you will probably have a lot of young people signing up to get healthy <grin>

Be back this week with glutamate research, gut research, nerve repair research SAUCES for you. Meantime, leaving vid from one of our nations best on damage and repair neurology, and food/vaccine excitotoxicity.


Love to the troops.
