>>10858681b PB
For our Military on the Holistic Health Solutions Notable:
>Citing 13 brigades-worth of non-deployable troops, Army looks to holistic health solutions
Dear Military,
Biofag Anon, Dumping research sauce to help you.Post contains following research.
1/4) Vitamin/mineral toxicology assays (change spark plugs before engines, right?)
2/4) Three major food problems and repairing the permanent gut, nerve, metabolic damage ( video sauce)
3/4) Three major food problems continued. (research sauce)
4/4) The biggest breakthroughs happening now on body/brain/nerve repair (could use military help on this since the military has a lot of injuries that complicate the skellital and nervous system. The mushroom with the nerve growth factor capable of repairing nerve damage is a natural substance (that tastes like lobster) but… you know… there goes big pharma. No $$$$ Lots of good news and possiblilties here for /ourguys/ !!!!
First up, Deficiencies, and Toxins mucking up the otherwise fine tuned human body. Eliminate these two as a problem.
1) Vitamin/Mineral assay. (What is not in the body that is NOT there, that it needs to run correctly.) MANY are deficient. Deficiencies vary with lifestyle, food intake type while growing as children. In particular, check Omega 3's since these are severely deficient in Americans, and have much to do with body repair, connective tissue healing, joints, muscle building etc. See also sublingual B's for stress repairs, nerve repairs)
This is just one sauce. Lots of labs. Would recommend mineral assay also.
To find latent metabolic problems, would recommend another panel.
2) Toxicology assay. (What is in the body that does NOT belong there, gumming up and poisoning the works, so that the body is less efficient, severely damaged?) Heavy metal low dose poisoning is very common and binds up body function severly. Even a small amount cripples body chemistry. (Pic Related).
Be on look out also for those youngsters who may have been poisoned by wasp spray neurotoxin also. Spouse is M.D. who was poisoned with this. Took DHA+glutathion+EGCG from green tea and treatment length of one year to repair the panic disorder that suddenly happened. Spouse is now fine..
Here is one lab that does the heavy metal panels. There are many.
Correct these two above, before attempting anything else to make the whole process easier. Once these are eliminated, the search for more complex issues becomes much easier.
Oh… keep food allergies in mind.
Whats not there that should be?
What is there that should NOT be?
Next: Info On Current Food Problems and solutions:
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