Anonymous ID: f50c64 Sept. 30, 2020, 6:31 p.m. No.10862122   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2149 >>2155 >>2156 >>2478 >>2627

Biden's debate use of Arabic phrase sparks conversation among Muslims


Former Vice President Joe Biden on Tuesday used a bit of Arabic slang that piqued the interest of Muslims on Twitter. Biden, during cross-talk with President Trump about his taxes, said the word "inshallah," which means "God willing." But the word more commonly is used as a sarcastic remark to indicate a lack of faith in something happening, in this case, Trump releasing his tax returns. Because it was difficult to discern exactly what Biden was saying, many people at first wondered if the former vice president had said something else. The Biden campaign, however, confirmed to NPR that he had said "inshallah." Biden has used the word at least once before, during a February event.


Wajahat Ali, a contributing op-ed writer at the New York Times, who, in 2016, wrote about the word for his publication, tweeted, "Saying inshallah doesn't make you Muslim," in reference to Biden's use on the debate stage. Tamar El-Ghobashy, a former Middle East correspondent at the Washington Post, said that it was "kinda colonial and derogatory if you ask me." Other observers were more upbeat. Hamed Aleaziz, an immigration reporter at BuzzFeed, dubbed the moment "historic" in a viral tweet. Waleed Shahid, a spokesperson for the Justice Democrats, also referred positively to the reference on Twitter. The word also went viral in 2016, when a student was kicked off a plane after using it in a phone call.

Anonymous ID: f50c64 Sept. 30, 2020, 6:38 p.m. No.10862240   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>>10862155 >e902ab


Noticing this poster, tags what it doesn't like being said about certain topics..very anti .. free speech..

Anonymous ID: f50c64 Sept. 30, 2020, 6:45 p.m. No.10862373   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Rockets reportedly hit Iraqi base where U.S. troops are located


On Wednesday, six rockets landed near Erbil International Airport in northern Iraq's semiautonomous Kurdistan region, the Ministry of Interior of the Kurdistan Regional Government announced, and a U.S. defense official told CNN there are initial indications that three of the rockets hit a base housing U.S. troops. There are no reports of U.S. injuries, CNN reports, but the official called the attack "troubling" because of the number of rockets fired and the possibility that several of the rockets were larger than those typically used. The Ministry of Interior said the rockets were fired from the direction of Sheikh Amir, a town in Nineveh province that is controlled by Hashad al Shabbi, a predominantly Shia paramilitary force. Prime Minister of Kurdistan Region of Iraq Masrour Barzani tweeted that "the KRG will not tolerate any attempt to undermine Kurdistan's stability and our response will be robust. I have spoken to the Prime Minister of Iraq, Mustafa al-Kadhimi, on the importance of holding the perpetrators accountable."

Anonymous ID: f50c64 Sept. 30, 2020, 6:54 p.m. No.10862507   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2536 >>2705

Under oath Senate Judiciary @Comey

Catherine Herridge


NOW: Under oath Senate Judiciary @Comey

“I don't remember any information reaching me about the source for Steele." WHY IT MATTERS: Newly declassified records show FBI Russia team knew as early as Dec 2016 the primary source for the Steele dossier was the subject of 2009 FBI investigation as suspected Russian agent. FBI also interviewed dossier source over three day period January 2017 where he dismissed Steele reporting as rumor.