QAnon, Blood Libel, and the Satanic Panic
"How the ancient, antisemitic nocturnal ritual fantasy expresses itself through the ages—and explains the right’s fascination with fringe conspiracy theories"
The above piece is typical of the Cabal panic which has apparently gripped the editorial boards of every major Mockingbird MSM news and media platform both here and abroad. As we've been told, this band of anons can claim credit for sparking this contagion but the spead of the GA is now on autopilot thanks to that phenomena of human psychology known as the Streisand Effect.
But also, how gloriously ironic is it that this Greatest Evil the World has ever experienced is in the process of being undone by its own hands as it conspicuously continues to play the same trick again and again and again….
"The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist" - Charles Baudelaire