Anonymous ID: 29d843 Sept. 30, 2020, 7:11 p.m. No.10862740   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Anti-gov't protesters confront police in Tel Aviv following ban


"It seems that they exposed the undercover officers, suffering retaliation."


Anti-government demonstrators confronted police Wednesday night, rallying against the cabinet's protest restrictions passed by the Knesset early Tuesday morning.


According to police, the unsanctioned protest led to "grave civil unrest," with four demonstrators being arrested during the march on suspicion of rioting and attacking police officers.


"Three of the four were falsely arrested for causing public unrest. An unfounded violation that was not committed by any of them," said the detainees' solicitor, Attorney Daniel Haklai.


"It seems that they exposed the undercover officers [among the crowd], suffering retaliation" from law enforcement.


The fourth detainee, Itay Raviv, was reportedly arrested on suspicion of assaulting Israel Police's Central Tel Aviv precinct deputy-commissioner.


"The charges are unfounded," Haklai said, adding that Raviv is a "glasses-wearing sweetheart who served in [the IDF's elite military intelligence] Unit 8200, works in tech and is light years away from any violence or those using bicycle horns."


Bicycle horns, known in Israel by the informal term "zamboura," are frequently used in anti-government protests. The precinct's deputy-commissioner claims to have been attacked by Raviv with such a horn.


The three other detainees, named Avichai Green, Shai Sadeh and Tal Sadot, "will most likely be released from custody overnight. Once police come to their senses regarding the arrest of Itay Raviv, I will come to court in the morning for him to be released as well," Haklai said.

Anonymous ID: 29d843 Sept. 30, 2020, 7:11 p.m. No.10862755   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2765 >>2778 >>2795 >>2823 >>2936

de Blasio threatens New Yorkers with $1000 fine for forgoing masks


New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio threatened his residents Wednesday with $1000 fines if they choose to forgo masks in public.


“We don’t want to fine people, but if we have to, we will,” de Blasio told reporters, according to The Washington Examiner.


The City’s COVID-19 positivity rate has increased recently and the Mayor said his concern is with that combined with an impending flu season

Anonymous ID: 29d843 Sept. 30, 2020, 7:14 p.m. No.10862792   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3108 >>3219 >>3339 >>3402

Church's legal defence 'dismantled' after sex abuse pay-off thrown out


A victim of sexual abuse who signed away his rights to sue the Catholic Church has had the settlement overturned in a landmark Supreme Court judgment, paving the way for hundreds of other survivors to seek compensation.


The man, known as WCB, was paid $32,500 in 1996 in exchange for his silence after he was repeatedly sexually abused as an altar boy by Warragul priest Daniel Hourigan.


On Wednesday, the Supreme Court overturned the deed of release, removing the legal barriers for WCB to sue the Catholic Church for damages.


Justice Andrew Keogh described the abuse as "horrendous" and said the evidence supported a "significant assessment of damages" for WCB.


"The settlement sum represents very modest and heavily discounted compensation for the loss and damage suffered by the plaintiff as a consequence of the abuse," he said.


Last year, the state government passed a law allowing courts to set aside a past deed of release or court judgment relating to child abuse.


It is estimated that more than 500 victims signed similar deeds of release, often for small financial payouts, under the Catholic Church’s controversial "Melbourne Response".


Former Melbourne archbishop George Pell, who was convicted in 2018 of sexually abusing two choirboys in the 1990s, was the architect of the Melbourne Response program.


Cardinal Pell was released from prison in April after his conviction was overturned following a successful appeal to the High Court.


"The legal lay of the land has shifted, once abuse survivors were completely legally powerless – now they can fight on a level playing field," said WCB's lawyer, Michael Magazanik.


"The church's legal fortifications have been dismantled."


In its defence, the Church argued that WCB had not shown compelling reasons for the deed to be overturned.


"If relief were granted in this case it might well be granted with respect to all, or certainly very many, historical settlement agreements," the defence argued, according to the Supreme Court judgment.


The court heard that WCB was abused by Hourigan, a priest at the Sale dicoese, over several years between 1977 and 1980 from the age of 11.


The abuse took place at the Warragul presbytery, in Hourigan’s car and on trips to Lakes Entrance, Stawell, Queensland, Ballarat and Orbost, the court heard.


Hourigan died in 1995.


Justice Keogh said he accepted that WCB continued to suffer from the significant adverse impacts of the abuse, which has included struggling at school and work, nightmares and depression, heavy drinking and social isolation.


The matter will proceed to trial in November.


Is this why Pell left Australia????

Anonymous ID: 29d843 Sept. 30, 2020, 7:18 p.m. No.10862847   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3004

Covid-19, Immune Function and Cannabis


As a cannabis educator, one of the things I help people understand is why cannabis has so many health benefits. Ultimately, it’s all about the biological system, known as the endocannabinoid system (ECS), discovered in 1992. Very generally speaking, the ECS regulates the homeostasis of most of the body’s physiological systems for balance of health, and thereby is also involved in immune function.


Cannabis, discovered as a plant substance able to exactly mimic the body’s own ECS process, can also then effectively boost and restore a deficient ECS to full function. Deficiency is very common and can result from prolonged stress, trauma, aging, and environmental toxins. Using cannabis as ‘whole plant’ medicine (and not just isolated individual cannabinoids) has been found to offer the greatest health benefit, also known as the entourage effect.


One of the overriding and significant benefits of a healthy ECS is its role in helping to maintain lower inflammation levels. Chronic Inflammation has become commonly understood as a source of many disease processes, especially as concerns the immune system.


Indeed, chronic inflammatory diseases have been recognized as the most significant cause of death in the world today, with more than 50% of all deaths being attributable to inflammation- related diseases such as ischemic heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes mellitus, chronic kidney disease, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and autoimmune and neurodegenerative conditions.[1]


This is where cannabis comes in. A scientific Cannabis and Covid-19 Commentary in the Medical Cannabis and Cannabinoids Journal, a peer-reviewed publication, lays it out why cannabis could possibly assist with Covid-19 treatments and immunity. Cannabis has a beneficial modulating effect on the immune system but does not make it immunosuppressed like pharmaceutical drugs can. As always, more studies are indicated.

Anonymous ID: 29d843 Sept. 30, 2020, 7:20 p.m. No.10862869   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2887 >>3339 >>3402

Chris Farrell: Anti-Police Violence by Radical Left is "Domestic Terrorism!"



Judicial Watch Director of Investigations & Research Chris Farrell appeared on @One America News Network to discuss violence against police officers in America & much more!

Anonymous ID: 29d843 Sept. 30, 2020, 7:22 p.m. No.10862897   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2906 >>2959 >>3339 >>3402

California Governor Signs Bill Opening Door To Paying Slavery Reparations


SACRAMENTO – California’s Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom signed a bill into law Wednesday appointing a task force to consider paying reparations for slavery. Below is a press release from the Governor.


As the nation reckons with the scourge of racial injustice rooted in the legacy of slavery and systemic racism, Governor Gavin Newsom today signed a first-in-the-nation law to study and make recommendations on reparations for slavery to the Black community through a state-based task force. He also signed two bills targeting structural racism and bias in our legal system by prohibiting the use of race, ethnicity and national origin to seek or obtain convictions or impose sentences, and to reduce discrimination in jury selection.


“As a nation, we can only truly thrive when every one of us has the opportunity to thrive. Our painful history of slavery has evolved into structural racism and bias built into and permeating throughout our democratic and economic institutions,” said Governor Newsom. “California’s rich diversity is our greatest asset, and we won’t turn away from this moment to make right the discrimination and disadvantages that Black Californians and people of color still face. While there is still so much work to do to unravel this legacy, these pieces of legislation are important steps in the right direction to building a more inclusive and equitable future for all.”


The Governor signed two bills by Assemblymember Shirley Weber (D-San Diego). AB 3121 establishes a nine-member task force to inform Californians about slavery and explore ways the state might provide reparations. The Governor also signed Assemblymember Weber’s AB 3070, which would strengthen jury selection procedures and increase transparency to ensure attorney challenges to exclude jurors are not for discriminatory purposes. The Governor previously signed SB 592 by Senator Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco), which broadens the source lists from which juries are selected, better diversifying jury pools.

Anonymous ID: 29d843 Sept. 30, 2020, 7:25 p.m. No.10862932   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2955 >>2958 >>3026 >>3069

American Airlines to Begin Furloughing 19,000 Workers After Pelosi Fails to Agree to Deal with Mnuchin


American Airlines said it will begin furloughing 19,000 workers after lawmakers and the White House can’t agree on a coronavirus relief deal.


The major airlines have held off on layoffs and mass furloughs under the terms of a $25 billion payroll support program Congress passed in March. The deal was aimed at helping the airlines cope with shutdowns, quarantines, and a crash in bookings, but at the time it was passed, lawmakers believed demand for air travel would recover in a few months.


The March legislation’s ban on cutting jobs expires October 1. Demand for air travel has recovered a bit since the depths of March and April, but passenger volume remains 70 percent below pre-pandemic levels.


Airline executives say they simply cannot avoid eliminating jobs and furloughing employees without a new round of relief from Congress.


American Airlines Chief Executive Doug Parker said in a letter to employees that he stood ready to reverse the furloughs if lawmakers reach a deal, according to Reuters.


U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said on Fox News on Thursday that talks with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi had made progress, but no deal has been reached. Democrats have resisted reaching a deal with Republicans, with some Democratic politicians and strategists worried that any deal to boost the economy might help Trump’s re-election efforts. Some liberal activists oppose any deals with the Trump administration under any circumstances.


Majority Leader Mitch McConnell called a proposed $2.2 trillion coronavirus relief package from the Democrats “outlandish.”


President Trump has told Capitol Hill Republicans that he would prefer a bill that spent more than the earlier Republican proposal that was rejected by Democrats to no deal at all.


Airlines spent the last several months furiously lobbying lawmakers for a second round of $25 billion of payroll support that would avoid job cuts until the end of March.


United has said it will eliminate more than 13,000 jobs if there is no deal.

Anonymous ID: 29d843 Sept. 30, 2020, 7:35 p.m. No.10863047   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3104 >>3402

More Than 500 JPMorgan Employees Inexplicably Got Emergency Virus Relief Funds


Three weeks ago, when we first reported that JPMorgan - the bank that this week was slammed with a record settlement of nearly $1 billion when it admitted it had manipulated and spoofed the gold and Treasury markets - was probing its employees' role in abuse of PPP funds following reports of "instances in which Covid-relief funds were misused by customers and is probing employees’ involvement in the potentially illegal activities", we said that it was about time the role of banks was put under the microscope because " while it was easy to blame the administration for rushing to hand out hundreds of billions in grants/loans (without which the US economy would still be in a depression), a key question is how and why did the private banks that were gatekeepers for all this capital, allow such abuse to take place."


A few days later, we also found out that not only did JPM employees allegedly enable fraud by clients when obtaining PPP loans, the largest US bank also found that some of its employees themselves "improperly applied for and received", i.e. stole, Covid-relief money that was intended for legitimate U.S. businesses hurt by the pandemic.


The bank discovered the actions, which were tied to the Economic Injury Disaster Loan program, "after noticing that suspicious amounts of money had been deposited into checking accounts owned by bank employees." The findings prompted an unusual all-staff message from JPMorgan Tuesday which according to Bloomberg "puzzled many across the industry for its candid admission of potentially illegal acts by some of its own while not describing what they had done."


At the time, JPMorgan sent a memo to its roughly 256,000 employees in which senior leaders said they had seen “instances of customers misusing Paycheck Protection Program Loans, unemployment benefits and other government programs” and that some employees had fallen short on ethical standards, too.


JPMorgan tried to mitigate this discovery by claiming that only a handful of its employees were abusing the program.


Well, fast forward to today, when we learn that more than 500 JPMorgan employees got assistance from taxpayers aimed at helping businesses through the pandemic "and dozens of them shouldn’t have", according to Bloomberg.


The discovery that so many people at the largest and most profitable U.S. bank had tapped the Economic Injury Disaster Loan program raised suspicions inside the company and set off a hasty probe, the full extent of which hasn’t been previously reported.


In retrospect, it's most surprising that only 500 JPMorgan bankers were involved.