Anonymous ID: 3817c3 Sept. 30, 2020, 7:11 p.m. No.10862741   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2771 >>2852

I believe that Q is directing us to investigate the 1998 bombings of the US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania. My reason for saying this involves some decodes of some of the Q posts from Monday, and I link them to some earlier posts that seem to me (now) to have hidden clues on the same theme. Since it is liable to seem I am building a complex structure on a rather slight foundation, I'll begin with some discussion of the events themselves. In any case, this more accurately reflects how I happened to notice the possible decodes: I had looked into these bombings in the past, and had them down as a topic to investigate further (but I have so many such topics that I hadn't yet done it).


Start with a brief recap: on the morning of August 7, 1998, blasts hit the US embassies in both Nairobi and Dar es Salaam. A total of 224 were killed, 213 in Kenya and 11 in Tanzania. The attacks were subsequently attributed to al-Qaeda, and it was these attacks that brought the group to public consciousness, even if the attacks themselves seem oddly forgotten.


A seemingly unrelated attack on the US in Africa occurred on September 11, 2012, the Benghazi attack. A US diplomatic compound was overrun in a planned terrorist attack. HRC was Secretary of State, and was widely accused of failing to render timely assistance. Moreover, in the aftermath, Susan Rice publically claimed that the attack had arisen from a protest against a youtube video.


Now look at the pics showing an email to HRC from three days later. Cheryl Mills is forwarding a copy of a NYT opinion piece by Prudence Bushnell, who was the US ambassador to Kenya when the blast hit. Bushnell is drawing on her personal experience to draw attention to similarities between the two situations. She recalls how she had repeatedly requested security updates to the Nairobi embassy before the attack, but was ignored, and she is lamenting the fact that a similar apparent inattention to security issues has again resulted in preventable American deaths.


But now, if we suspect that HRC might be guilty of something more than inattention in the Benghazi case, does it make sense to ask whether other hidden guilt lurks behind the Kenya/Tanzania bombings?

Anonymous ID: 3817c3 Sept. 30, 2020, 7:12 p.m. No.10862771   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2791


Now take a look at this retrospective in Foreign Policy. The title is suggestive, but the meat is in the audio interview with Prudence Bushnell, twenty years after the bombing. (click SHARE on podcast box to get download button)


I note here some salient points, but if you are interested in this topic, I suggest listening to the whole thing. (FB denotes the interviewer.)

0:00: FP - Opening sets up bombings as start of al-Qaeda progression leading to USS Cole and then 9/11.

1:30: FP - "while the events of 9/11 have been seared into memory, much less has been documented, or remembered, about August 7, 1998, including the fact that US ambassador Prudence Bushnell had warned Washington about threats to her embassy"

1:41: FP - "Ambassador Bushnell had been waiting for someone to write the full story of what happened in Africa. After two decades of waiting, she decided to do it herself."

2:22: "The embassy was located on one of the busiest downtown corners of Nairobi… and it had no setback."

3:19: "Before I arrived in Nairobi, I had spent three years as Deputy Assistant Secretary for African Affairs."

3:58: Due to experience in prior role, "It took me literally a nanosecond to know this was a dangerous building, and from within two weeks of being in Nairobi I began to send cables back, saying please don't put any more money into renovating this building, because it's on a dangerous location." -Let's move the whole embassy.

5:47: On Christmas Eve, 1997, she sends an angry telegram to State Dept warning that a "walkin" to the embassy had reported an upcoming attack.

6:18: "Three months later, I was gently reprimanded in my annual performance revue for overloading the circuits, and that's what compelled me to write a letter to the Secretary of State, which was hand-delivered."

6:42: On Aug 7, 1998, "I was not in staff meeting, where I should have been." She missed the scheduled weekly meeting and was out of the building meeting the Minister of Commerce.

7:18: "the tea had been served… we were settling down to business when we heard a BOOM."

11:50: "what was once a seven-story office building that had pancaked"

22:04: Discussion of WJC call, "I had never met the man."

22:44: "I said, Mr. President, I am bursting with sadnesss at what has happened, and bursting with pride at how our people are taking care of it, and he said 'Well, secure the perimeter'" ("perimeter"@22:59)

23:00: "I thought, WHAT?"

24:32: FP: "So, you don't get a message of condolence from President Clinton?" PB: "No."

25:17: "We had a few minutes of considerable media attention, and then it went away. The fact that news… somebody leaked that I had written to the Secretary of State before the bombing made it embarassing for the administration."

26:23: "The first call I received was from Susan Rice"

28:18: Mentions NYT article from Jan 1999 that says she was "considered to be obsessed…quote… and that I had written a highly emotional letter"

29:28: "what I spent years uncovering, after I retired from the service, was the amount of information that the FBI held, the CIA held, the National Security Council held, that was neither shared among themselves, nor shared with me and Kenyan intelligence. Had that information been shared, I don't think we would have been blown up, and I don't think 9/11 would have happened."

33:40 FP: "Ambassador Bushnell, do you feel the 1998 bombings in Nairobi are remembered?" "No."

34:31 "No after-action review was ever conducted, not a single congressional hearing was ever held. Aside from a very narrrow acountability review board that came to Nairobi with me in their sights, blaming me for small security lapses, um, no one ever asked anybody in Washington: How could this have happened?"

35:02: "We had become a footnote…"

Anonymous ID: 3817c3 Sept. 30, 2020, 7:14 p.m. No.10862791   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2807


I want to get to the Q decodes, and at the moment I can't really prove anything I suspect, so maybe I'll just follow Q's lead and ask questions:

Does Debra Winger play the villain in Sometimes in April?

Why is the hero of the better known film under arrest?

Was Slick Willy surprised to be talking to Ambassador Bushnell?

Why did he address the nation on August 17, 1998?

Was Bin Laden right (in respect noted)?

Why did Samantha Power publish the "standard interpretation" of said events in the September 2001 issue of The Atlantic?

Why didn't parts 2-5 of Ted Koppel's five-part series on the Congo Wars air as scheduled?

What is worse than "lie, lie, lie"?

Anonymous ID: 3817c3 Sept. 30, 2020, 7:15 p.m. No.10862807   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2822


Now let's look at the Q drops. Start with Q4777, the first drop on Monday. What clued me in was the combination of three elements: 1) overt Clinton focus in the main text, 2) Kenya and Tanzania mentions in 2nd link, and 3) multiple architecture and building references in 1st link. This made me think of the blowing up and rebuilding of the US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, which happened when Clinton was President.


The second image shows the focal part of the page from the second link. Notice how precisely three countries are mentioned: Kenya, Tanzania, and Zambia. Not to ignore Zambia (seemingly exploited by global financial interests - see Glencore), but what really stands out is that 2 of 3 were targetted on the same day in 1998.


Also note the name "New Perimeter". This is a big one, if you know that WJC told Prudence Bushnell "Secure the perimeter" and how she found this utterly bizarre. See the notes on the podcast, above.


The third image is mostly the Congressional Record page from Q's first link. Three things stand out: First, despite the fact that the Clinton/Comey connection (overt focus of Q's drop) does not seem to inherently involve architecture, the linked page has three distinct references to architecture, and two involve "rebuilding" in some way. I marked these with red. To me, this recalls the embassy destruction and rebuilding. Two additional curiousities are marked with blue. First, notice how the text includes an "unrelated" reference to an anti-terror bill. (Except it isn't unrelated if Q means us to catch the Kenya/Tanzania angle.) Next, note the adjournment time, 9:47. Compare with Q947, which includes both "Kenya" and "BOOM!".

Anonymous ID: 3817c3 Sept. 30, 2020, 7:17 p.m. No.10862822   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2836 >>2905 >>2969


Now turn to Q4786, the final drop from Monday. It is just a YT link to the "our movement" video.


But look carefully. Why is Q passing the parameter "feature=emb_logo"? A search reveals that Q has never added this parameter when posting the given video. I suggest that "emb" stands for "embassy". I think Q is confirming that he is pointing to the embassy bombings.


But there were two embassy bombings… and it turns out that Q has passed the same parameter on exactly two occasions, the other time with a different YT video. That was in Q4474, and the vid shows Joe Biden. The third pic shows what you see when you open the link: at the bottom are the words "open vault". Don't embassies contain vaults that might get opened (or conveniently destroyed) in an explosion? And the words "open vault" are a logo, as in emb_logo.


But what about the other logo, WGBH? It is a station in Boston, location of the Old North Church.


The Biden vid was posted on 3/27. What if we check timestamp 3:27 in the "our movement" vid? It shows Hillary lying about Benghazi.