see yall @ sunrise
ahshit. i've got work tomorrow mornin' at 8.
just remember. so I'll probably be phonefaggin'
>Brother I am praying 24/7
dude heres a confession for your broke ass,
I haven't donated a single penny to this church in the last 5 years. now what?
well you said something about 'pay to play' and I'm just letting you kno i been playin' for YEARS and aint payed shit.
we aren't here to compare dick size, anon.
you already know mine is much bigger
and until I see your facebook and lifestory YOU are the fakefucker, fakefucker.
IG, whatever. you know what I mean.
whatever you use to flex to bitches like you really doin' somethin' in your life.. lemme see it.
lemme make sure you REALLY not just larpin' and lyin'โฆ.
you can find it within an hour if you're halfway cultured to research.
(thats a statement, not a challenge.)