As the dust from Building 7 was still falling I prepared a submission for AJ concerning info far more relevant and viable to the facts of this case than any he has presented since. Never claiming to be an able danger, all I knew is what I saw and was explicitly instructed to forget upon project termination. AJ denied receipt of registered mail and was outright rude toward me each and every time I attempted to breach the topic of direct concern. Free fall. How does this happen? We have it all. No shit!!
AJ attempted to build credibility in his station by hiring some great tits. Then everything took a dive.
Interestingly, this has happened to several people I've known who randomly tank up on supplements, medicinal 'boosters' which quite literally drive their systems into toxic overload.
So hear this, and get things right.
ALL NUTRITIONAL EFFECTS are subject to POSITIVE and NEGATIVE spatial interactions and dislocations. They body performs a constant balancing act. And those who fail to recognize actual food content (reading from the gut, but not AJ's sense of 'gut,') will always misuse supplements to a greater or lesser degree.
Restated, EATING and ingesting NOTHING can be much healthier than eating the wrong things.