Anonymous ID: 011ba9 Sept. 30, 2020, 11:23 p.m. No.10866143   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I 'member the Slick Willy Rockefeller theory, not recalling the Hillary side right now. Yeah, yeah, this kek: >>10866016


IF he hasn't been cooperating with /ourguys/ all along and is a total black hat, it's possible he didn't give a shit if Hillary won or not because his loyalty is owed higher up the chain. I mean, he just could have been running damage control because white hats tipped their hand (as Q implies)…but if the election was meant to be rigged, who the hell cared what the public thought or if the FBI/NYPD leaked something of the contents? But I do think Comey prefers Obama to her anyway (general observation), so maybe their faction decided it was easier to oust POTUS once seated and control Pence. I know, "they never thought she was going to lose." Did they ALL think/feel that way though? When did they realize she could or would lose? And who's the 'they' exactly? Somebody could have gone rogue. Sally Yates said something about that. I go back to the Overstock guy saying he knew Comey and them were spying on Hillary too. If true, why? They didn't think they could control her, did they? The laptop material was probably the best blackmail they had anyway, plus the lost emails that I assume were in Comey's office safe. Then…where the hell was Lynch in all this really? She wanted the SCOTUS seat, right? Under Clinton. Not sure if this situation is Occam's Razor on not. Lots of moving parts.


Kek! I almost threw that one in too.

Anonymous ID: 011ba9 Sept. 30, 2020, 11:43 p.m. No.10866245   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6277


For comparison:


Trey Gowdy: 'History will not judge James Comey as a fair FBI director'

September 6, 2019


"My goal in life is to have history say I was fair. I may have had my critics, but I was fair and history will not judge James Comey as a fair FBI director. He's a partisan who delights in attacking the person that he'd still be working for if he hadn't been fired."




Gowdy Suggests Clinton Entanglements With DOJ Deeper Than Suspected

May 17, 2017


"I think history is going to be much kinder to Jim Comey in that July press conference than the Democrats were when he had it."


I don't know if the older quote really speaks to his character honestly, rather it just implies to me that the July debacle was historically significant as the beginning of Hillary's downfall. So we have Comey to thank for that, yes, but that doesn't provide his motivation. He could still just be an evil psycho narcissistic piece of shit wanting revenge against Hillary for some reason.

Anonymous ID: 011ba9 Sept. 30, 2020, 11:59 p.m. No.10866318   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6512


>sacrifice her baby to the full moon?

That's what I'm going with. Doesn't the second son thing have significant?


Oh definitely, I don't disagree, especially about Sessions. But how much self-control would Hill have to have to not off him anyway? How stupid to allow him the chance to flip?


OH FUCK, just thought, Andy McCabe was in charge of the Boston Marathon Bombings investigation under Mueller. OH FUCK, is he the first major indictment kek?

Anonymous ID: 011ba9 Oct. 1, 2020, 12:10 a.m. No.10866363   🗄️.is 🔗kun


3rd anniversary of the LV Harvest Festival FF too. Still say that was one of the Cabal's last major stands. White Hats had locked in enough at that point to give us Q a month later so…it was a go for broke attack from Dopey or whoever. Would love to know what Wray and McCabe et al knew/know.