>Do you really understand what I'm talking about?
I'm going to say no.
Care to explain?
Benis gew oon boojayner
>Trolling the left?
I don't think the shape is as important as the observable facts.
No matter which direction you choose to go, you can never leave. Also, why is Jerusalem at the direct center of it all? and why was Salem the US home to the famous Witch Trials? What's that all about?
Cain and Abel have other names
Johova and Elohim being one of those others.
Then there was another son. Why don't we know about him?
>>10866776 << So close!
Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding!!!
Synagogue: Noun
Definition: House of the Great King Set
Set gave the line of Cain power over the line of Jehova. Nowโฆ the REAL question isโฆ Who's come to fix that great fuckup? Are all angels in this realm fallen?
>Then there was another son.
Relevant: One of the most important research and historical institutes in the world, Brazil's 200-year-old National Museum, burned down on Sunday.
source: https://www.iflscience.com/editors-blog/brazils-200yearold-national-museum-containing-20-million-artifacts-burns-down/
>Nancy is going to refuse to step down when she loses the house.
Kek wills it
So it shall be done.
That's some Sirius business!
>We all have access to the timeline, within.
We're all Functions of the same class.
I like it.
>One from each line
'The Scythians are generally believed to have been of Iranian origin.'
Rogers sounds like he could sing Heilung Songs in the Black Forest.
Tomiris, the queen and war chief of Scythians who defeated and killed Cyrus the Great around 530 BC
"The idea that Trump is a modern-day Cyrus is particularly popular among evangelical Christians"
"Honestly, she should be in jail"
The are avatars for [theY]
The people that inhabited the bodies are long gone. That's the reason for the ritual sacrifice, the exchange. Life for Life.
Did you get the chills when you finally saw it?
>you guys have evidence that 5G causes Corona virus.
Chinese propaganda to stall technological progress here in the US, most likely.
Or not, but we don't all agree on much of anything other than we're all in this together.
>where did the original go?
Hell, I guess.
Abrahams Bosom or some shit.
There was that story of Russia digging that big ass hole and hearing the screams of the dead.
>spiritual warfare, anon
Fucking crazy, I know.
It doesn't really change anything but it changes everything. Not like we can talk about it with IRL people, you just have to hide your power level and recess to your dark corner away from others.
Such is the life of Anon.