hey freebs
knocked out early, up for a bit
new Q's
nice way to wake up
I think it's a great idea
I think bakers, as a rule, like a bit of control over the notes, it's really important that bakers let go of that and trust the noter, give them complete control and support, I trust that gb will note well and I answer questions, comment and fence for him during the bake, it's a matter of trust is muh point
he also drops consistently like I bake so there is no confusion and trust once again, he knows his work is GOLD YO and I will bake it, new bakers are not sure about their notes, this just takes time
I also think it takes the pressure off new bakers if they will follow the directives
#1 baker is here to bake, keep the bread rolling, no matter what this is imperative
#2 when Q is posting it is imperative baker chase Q's and keep bread rolling for him to post, no matter what, caps can be gotten in nb if needed, concentrate on Q's and bake
#3 Notables are 3rd in importance and only after 1 and 2 are met
Bakers need to understand this, notables will come with time and experience, true job is keeping the bread rolling and getting the Q's
Anons need to understand their posts are archived for all time and how they post determine if their info is easily retrieved in qresear.ch or not
I watched those roll so fast
would have had no notes
but bakes would have gone off smoothly
had just botched up baker tools lite in note++
didn't have the count
got it reinstalled this am, along with hunting up hastepin and pastebin acct
lots of surprises this am
I watched that while I was on the phone
couldn't do anything, Cee is wink link there
boaty is also used to working alone
just an observation, he was trying to get Scotland in fast debate breads, not an experienced baker for sure
I did thanks
I never had problem baking from catalog
I never cared the top box was gone
today I used the pop up reply box
old habits die hard
still don't trust to make new paste before bake
goes against ingrain of pastebin goin down
understanding does take time
you guys had me figured out though
always the right helpful hint if I needed it
if I label muh suggestions doc they know
Fuck yeah
you should head off to butt hurt central and share that with them
down the hall yo
I was interesting to use pastebin again this morning
a bit of cog diss but not overwhelming
was used to ripping pastes from oss to put in qbin
guud practice
we do so many "repetitive" things that we get a system worked out and stick with it, it's always guud to try the other side for a diff feel and perspective sometimes
thought about lookin
wasn't it trump or trumping that kicked it up?
mabbe they lost paying customers
don't think feedback from pro accts count for much with them
qbin screwed them fast, poof, just like that we all departed
mabbe not Kbee or OSS but they were bulk bakers either
bookmarked so I can haz lurn bakin
mornin yo
lost cause here
word play too fun
do have q about using โฆโฆโฆโฆ to complete incomplete sentence though
you game?
from idiots, yes
if I have to shorten a line to fit notables I denote there is more to the post withโฆโฆ.
>>10866934 1. Does anyone else think we can have a Constitutional Republic without having political parties?โฆโฆโฆโฆ
more to the post denoted
also remember there was a rule for a quote broken up
sumpin like
"now is theโฆโฆsicโฆto come to the aid of their country"
got rules yo?
bless you
go figure
not part of the English grammar between Gutenberg printing press and Wang days, when I learned
mornin wakes
lord, it's not the middle of the night any more
back to hibernation for me, soonโฆ