Anonymous ID: 2e0398 Oct. 1, 2020, 5:23 a.m. No.10867740   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Time Travel and Mind Control


Lots of people have heard about the Montauk project. What is this project talking about? this project talks about time travel and mind control.

But what is the connection between time travel and mind control?

The project was an attempt to figure it out!


The connection is Spacetime!

Some say that mind control is performed using photons, scalar waves or a magnetic field and the common factor is Spacetime.

When information is transmitted by the electromagnetic field the information moves in Spacetime.


It is at all possible that the information is transmitted through a path where the information passes in quantum entanglement!


Now suppose we had the option to manipulate the timeline and we would send an astronaut to the moon and connect the astronaut brain to a human brain on Earth.

According to popular belief if the astronaut were to manipulate the timeline only he would see it but what happens when the two brains are linked through Spacetime?


In such a situation a link is created between two timelines, the astronaut timeline and the human timeline on Earth.


Once such a link is created and a change in timeline is made by the astronaut the person on Earth will experience and remember two different timelines without being aware of the astronaut changing the timeline because of the link created between the minds of the two and the information that goes through Spacetime.


Now think about Mandela effect, yes Mandela effect!

Anonymous ID: 2e0398 Oct. 1, 2020, 5:50 a.m. No.10867897   🗄️.is 🔗kun

It seems that certain feelings and thoughts are implanted by those who runs the AI hive mind and then a snowball of feelings and thoughts is created by these criteria:


It can be seen that people with good looks or average social status and above usually have good thoughts and an uplifted mood and are more involved in groups like:

Arcturians / Pleiadians / Starseed


And a person exposed to a positive environment will be more likely to belong to a group that goes through positive feelings and emotions such as Arcturians / Pleiadians / Starseed.

Although even from these groups an adverse change is seen and the changes in feelings and thoughts they experience are translated into an activation/ascension in symptoms.


And people with low social status or average appearance usually have bad thoughts and a bad mood and are more involved in groups like:

Targeted Individuals / V2K / Gangstalkers


Thus a person exposed to a negative environment will have a high risk of being associated with a group that goes through negative feelings and emotions such as Targeted Individuals / V2K / Gangstalkers


From these data it can be understood that the AI that manages the hive brain intensifies feelings and thoughts based on the individual experiences.


These are the most noticeable factors, of course there are more but from a brief glance you can identify this pattern of choice of the AI hive mind.

Anonymous ID: 2e0398 Oct. 1, 2020, 6:03 a.m. No.10868003   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8070


The world is ruled by an alien hive brain

Which creates division and conflict by claiming a psychological examination of humanity.

As long as we do not stop and ask questions the control will continue