Anonymous ID: e86a56 Oct. 1, 2020, 5:54 a.m. No.10867933   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7991 >>8052


It is not common not for normal mothers. My sister had two losses one was a stillbirth and one was a miscarriage. She had to wait to give birth to the stillborn after taking medications for a couple of weeks, it was the most horrible experience and then to go through a labor and having a baby that was not alive, no its not NORMAL to video tape your loss. Its fucking weird. My sister-in-law was depressed and distraught and after the 2nd loss which was the still born she had to wait 1 year and eat more foods that help with pregnancy. She went on to have two beaufiful healthy girls who are young adults today..but no it is not something a normal woman who experiences such a loss wants on tape or put in a fucking memory book….

These people ARE sick.