Ohhhh an IP hop, how clever said nobody to you ever.
You seem to with all of the ip hopping you are doing! So good for you to confirm to REAL anons exactly who and what you are and what you are about.
Moar ip hopping namefaggotry! Yay! Whats even more fun is that its encouraged! WTG!
Bouncy bouncy, yet more hopping.
Sure it has! Baker says so! Now bow to your overlords.
Finally found the balls to respond with a non unique ID? How cool! Next I will help you with addition.
>namefaggotry. u must be stupid too.
>/warroom is a thread on this site.
>/comms is a thread on this site
>/qrmemes is a thread on this site.
>u try and try. but never learn do you.
>i cant be stopped.
OH and hey, EXCELLENT work in confirming that. Your little whiny mole never fooled those who paid attentiopn.
Not gonna build that consensus if you dont respond with unique ids. Better hop again!
Nah gervil, dont think so
Nope that aint me, however that is his admission. Gonna do the right thing baker or just gonna keep proving others correct about the kitchen?
>warroom comms and qrmemes are BOARDS on this site (8kun)
>so if you go those places, the owner(s) of those boards can see your IP hashes and analyze your traffic.
>the new Qresearch kitchen meta is actually a thread inside the Qresearch board that does not give the infiltrators the same information.
>you mislead when you say those separate boards are "threads on this site"
Kitchen dont care.