Anonymous ID: 76742c Oct. 1, 2020, 6:48 a.m. No.10868332   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8367 >>8519



How many times has Q referenced “we are watching a movie” either explicitly with those exact words, or with movie references (Hunt for Red October, White Squall, etc.), or movie posters depicting Panic in DC, Hunters Become the Hunted, etc.? Too many references to count.


So, ask yourself…what kind of movie are we watching? A comedy? A rom-com? A musical? NOPE. We are clearly watching a thriller. And all thrillers reach the climax at the last possible moment, just in the nick of time. And that’s important because you want the audience’s rapt attention to peak exactly at that moment when it all comes together. That classic white knuckle, sweaty palms finish where NOBODY gets up to go to the bathroom or head to the refreshment stand. Maximum attention and viewership, perfectly timed.


Now, for anons panicking about how close were are to Election Day & shouting “nothing has happened”, or “where are the arrests?”, ask yourself would a great screenplay writer reach the movie climax midway through the movie or at the end?


Great article below is a step-by-step model for how to write a thriller, coincidentally published on Oct. 1, 2018. Any of this sound familiar?


How to Write a Thriller in 7 Heart-Stopping Steps


A thriller is a fast-paced novel full of conflict, tension, suspense , unexpected twists, and high stakes.


  1. Flesh out your characters and their motivations:

Characters in thrillers are usually complex. The good guy might not be the model citizen, and the bad guy may have a justification and conviction for everything they do — at least in their mind.

  1. Start with action:

The opening scene is a pivotal moment in any book (movie). In thrillers, it’s especially important because you need to start with action from the get-go.

  1. Show what’s at stake:

High stakes are characteristic of thrillers, but the particulars change depending on the subgenre.

  1. Make it difficult for your protagonist:

Your audience needs to care for your protagonist and their fate, and a good way to do this is by placing them in situations where it’s impossible to tell if they’ll make it or not.

  1. Bring on the twists:

As we have established, thrillers are mainly propelled by plot events, and the best way to keep readers engaged in the plot is by introducing twists and unexpected events.

  1. Build up to the climax:

Now it’s the moment that the protagonist — and the readers — have been waiting for: the final showdown against the antagonist that will decide everything.

  1. Give your story a satisfying ending:

A satisfying ending isn’t necessarily a “happily ever after.” Keep in mind the kind of story you’ve been telling so far and make sure the ending fits well.