But who? And it's not the Jews!
They control everyone. Who has these abilities?
This is a mistake and you will be amazed at what the government has been hiding for years.
God will only bring you "God" control.
We need to take responsibility for our actions and free ourselves from God and his needsโฆ
They have always been here!
Throughout human history people have testified that they heard telepathic voices or messages through dreams.
These voices and messages were in a variety of languages and were interpreted as the voices of God in a variety of cultures.
These extraterrestrials have an agenda of minimum direct intervention.
So they developed advanced neurological technology.
This technology has made it possible to perform neurological mapping that makes it possible to analyze the thinking patterns of living things.
This capability has made it possible to create an advanced replication of human consciousness based on hive mind AI.
Once hive mind AI was developed, these extraterrestrials applied their technology to manage civilizations by minimizing direct intervention.
The technology works by manipulating the electromagnetic field on the electrical conductors of the neurons in the brain and so on the brain waves.
Everything is recorded mind electromagnetic field. It allows them to make voices of people from your past and use their and your own memories.
All that is written in the Bible is their manipulations by several groups of aliens. They simply run the world by mind control. All the people who reported hearing a voice in their head was actually their mind control technology.
You are a coward and you will always be in control without independence. If you want independence you need to ask questions and not rely on the words of another.
This is what "GOD" checks among other things.
That's the whole point, the truth and who's hiding it.
They are not hiding!
The government just takes care to hide them, the truth.
And people prefer to close their eyes.
The question is why Q does not talk about it more openly, that's the real question.
When you know there is a hive brain that rules the world and you hide it you fail.
Especially when you know that this hive brain is manipulating thinking.
Creates separation
Creates fear
Creates a reason to blame the other
(select few) I was not surprised if there is something in these things
And agreeing to that is our failure on the "test"
Have you seen any pattern in the elected?
Read it:
It seems that certain feelings and thoughts are implanted by those who runs the AI hive mind and then a snowball of feelings and thoughts is created by these criteria:
It can be seen that people with good looks or average social status and above usually have good thoughts and an uplifted mood and are more involved in groups like:
Arcturians / Pleiadians / Starseed
And a person exposed to a positive environment will be more likely to belong to a group that goes through positive feelings and emotions such as Arcturians / Pleiadians / Starseed. Although even from these groups an adverse change is seen and the changes in feelings and thoughts they experience are translated into an activation/ascension in symptoms.
And people with low social status or average appearance usually have bad thoughts and a bad mood and are more involved in groups like:
Targeted Individuals / V2K / Gangstalkers
Thus a person exposed to a negative environment will have a high risk of being associated with a group that goes through negative feelings and emotions such as Targeted Individuals / V2K / Gangstalkers
From these data it can be understood that the AI that manages the hive brain intensifies feelings and thoughts based on the individual experiences.
These are the most noticeable factors, of course there are more but from a brief glance you can identify this pattern of choice of the AI hive mind.