Anonymous ID: a08a12 What we must do Oct. 2, 2020, 12:35 a.m. No.10881713   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1799

What is the real criterion?

1) Wiping out the torture and trafficking of our children. World wide. Asia supplied us with so many children but every country on earth is guilty.

2) Removing the so deeply entrenched shadow state.

3) Returning to God. One nation under God.


We see now, through the incredible efforts of the QTrumpTeam, that for thousands of years the currencies of the world were not even based on gold.

The currencies of the world were based on trafic of children and their blood.

We see the horror::



Please spread this information far and wide!


We see the hope::


How beautiful this song is!


We see the achievments:: !


God took Trump, the 45th president, by the hand.

The events in this video could have Isaiah 45 as their commentary!


The suffering, the hope, the achievments, are very impressive.


Success has not yet meant a unified nation. Divided we must fall.


We are not united under God.

Other interests prevail yet.


Without repentance, without return to the Lord, we must fail.

We shall suffer.

Millions and more shall die.


We must put on sack and ashes, turn our faces to our Lord, and repent.

[Foto put here out of respect - the boys should be seen and appreciated.]