Random ID: 60a0ce Oct. 1, 2020, 11:51 a.m. No.10872345   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Ok as uncivilized as protest/riots are. The good guys need to start in the name of no more bullshit, people need to be locked up and if our great DOJ wont lock up people that should have been put away a long time ago we the people that pay these people need to go and take care if it. All this talk about how it should be done but nothing happens. Come together to liberate the USA from scum. We need to make a date and stand up for whats right. This wont be a BLM antifa protest the only thing we might burn down are the homes of the guilty, and even then we are more civilized and won't burn the world down. I'm gunna continue to post this until people hear it and will help put together a massive rally that the world will hear. Make a date for the real Revolution, help or stop bitching. How does the day before or after the next debate sound. I need help with putting this together.


The World War Revolution