Anonymous ID: 745864 Oct. 1, 2020, 12:13 p.m. No.10872685   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2713

FDanon here. I've been here since day one. Have been reading my Bible cover to cover for a few years now. Finished it 3 times. I have a ton of unanswered questions. But I believe the veil is slowly being lifted…


Observing the fire service I've noticed some things over the years. We are a family and we know each other's motives very well… Those amongst us that move through the ranks rapidly seem to be motivated by something different. They look for praise and accomplishments as motivation… The rest of us are the exact opposite. We don't want any recognition whatsoever. We just want to be good at what we do and are motivated by more of a self improvement and only promote when we feel ready… Those that seem to be the opposite, are pretty much hated by everybody. Oddly, they move up into positions of authority and nobody respects them or the decisions they make.


I am beginning to see that this is synonymous with every field and the most notable in politics where real power is held… Who among us actually wants to have power or be a politician, virtually nobody. We all recognize a higher power and have no desire to be in that spotlight. We want and desire to be servants.


Hollywood, DC, corporate elites, MSM all seem to relish on the spotlight… A kind of "look at how great I am" type of attitude. Comey, Brennan, fauci, obama, clinton, every newscaster appear to have this exact attitude.


Each one of us would be the exact opposite, we'd want to give credit to everybody but ourselves and it would be genuine. There is something disingenuous about every one of those in the spotlight. Not one of them did the legwork for all the behind the scenes time committed to whatever position they hold. The editing involved in MSM, the lawyering involved in being a politician, the script writing involved in acting… None of them are capable of any of the true work….


This all starts from being deceitful. They believe they are the ones when the truth is thousands have done the work to make them look better then they are…


The bible discusses this I believe. Their father the devil, the father of lies, they worship the synagogue of satan and don't even recognize it.


We all have a little of it inside of us, when I discuss politics with friends and family I swell with pride from all the knowledge I've acquired from this very site… I've never once said, none of this was originally discovered by me, I am proud of myself for remembering so many names and facts, but I'm only an information gatherer. There are anons here that are truly autists and nobody knows their names… They truly are heroes.


Q team has legitimately stayed anonymous, they are seeking zero notoriety, just seeking change. That demands so much respect.


We are all created in God's image and not one of us could create any of this. His credit is the only credit that should be given. I give all my thanks to any abilities I have are virtually abilities he created in me and each of you.


Thank you all for staying the course for so long



In Christ's name, thank you