Anonymous ID: b3619c Oct. 1, 2020, 12:06 p.m. No.10872565   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>The outcome of this entire mess is in the hands of a small percentage of patriots, and whether they will rise up for a cleansing, or take it in the ass and bow down to their new overlords. Remember, the American Revolution was but a small fraction of people actively participating. Trumps words were clear….stand down, and stand by…until the clarion call goes out…for all of us, or at least those willing to sacrifice everything like our founding fathers to take it all back.



>3% is about 10 million armed Americans…


12 million 700 thousand. (pic related) Bigger than the Chinese and Russian Army Combined. Many are vets, first responders, and all practice on moving targets, every year. No doubt the miltiary would be out to organize them all, rapidly. There are already contingency plans I am certain.


But everyone understands who the boss is.

Stand down, stand by, are common sense orders.

There is a very very small percent chance we would ever need this army to take the country back. The political process should do it.

The president is commander in chief.

We stand by and stand down.

It would only take one tweet.

Meanwhile, get things in order, food, batteries, alternative shelter, you know, the usual disaster prep. And if the nuts get in the streets in any big way, we might want to have a plan to visit with someone outside the city for a while.


I think everything is going to stretch our patience, because Americans are demanding of justice. But it will be alright in the end. I am willing to trust the plan, until the President says it is time to do something so drastic like a civil war.