Hey, whose up for discussing the meeting that must have occurred in the Vineyard where they hatched the COVID plan. My bet is on Molesta as the pro genitor of the attack plan… Imagine the scene…….
Kitchen, SUb Zero stainless refer behind him, Molesta holding court with a glass of shitty Merlot in one hand.
Molesta: "you guys think yer hot shit dontcha?" "well, while you were all busy upping yer Xanax precriptions I've been making a plan." "I got the idea from a Simpsons cartoon, here's how it goes"
"We get our friends from Detrick to swipe a few thousand vials, and we let the idiot Chinese and NATO people transport them back to China in their diplomatic pouches- easy peasy"
"Now, we dont want a pathogen that kills everyone- I mean look at some of you, yer on deaths door already, anyway we need a home run here people." We need a really aggressive flu, SSI and disability is really taking too much of our budget, why should we send all that dough to useless eaters in trailer parks, see? Yeah, we get a potent flu that kills the leechfucks,"
Then, all we gotta do is say it's too dangerous for traditional polling, gonna have to do mail in only- OUR SPECIALTY in California! We dont even have to rent buses to drive the spics to hundreds of polling stations! Its a motherfucking home run!"