Anonymous ID: 5aa02b Oct. 1, 2020, 1:48 p.m. No.10873814   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Before it was antifa it was blac block and crimethinc

crimethinc wrote an operations manual for their war effort


recipes for disaster


Disaster? Yes, disaster.


When you think of disasters, perhaps some secret part of you thrills at the idea of something happening, something interrupting the tedious routines that comprise existence for so many of us. You might not be ready to own up to actually desiring one, but a disaster would at least offer a chance to escape your cage and explore the unknown for a little while.What anguish, to live in longing for a reprieve from your own life, never knowing when or if it might come!


Or perhaps you cringe at the word, thinking of all the senseless tragedy and loss of life that real disasters entail. In that case, it may have already occurred to you that we are in the midst of the most terrible slow-motion disaster in history, as the natural environment is utterly laid to waste and the diversity of human experience is steamrolled into the monoculture of capitalism.

Whether disaster is something you privately pine for or desperately hope to escape, one thing is for certain — the old recipes won’t suffice anymore. We need recipes for disaster. Here they are.


an extensive chapter on Pie Throwing kek


Pie Throwing


Deserving target

Crazed, pie-slinging assaiiant(s)

Pie — see below for recipe and packaging options, and factors to consider in choosing


Optional Ingredients





Getaway Driver



Pieing, like property destruction, demystifies and undermines the power structures of our society by showing that icons and idols are not unassailable or above ridicule. It’s like burning someone in effigy, only better, because it reveals how, in this media-addled society, public figureheads are nothing more than effigies of themselves, ripe for the roasting.

Anonymous ID: 5aa02b Oct. 1, 2020, 1:57 p.m. No.10873926   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Who controls the past, controls the future.


I have heard this phrase from the black rap community for decades.

They know this shit. connect the dots!

Anonymous ID: 5aa02b Oct. 1, 2020, 2:21 p.m. No.10874237   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I know I know

Fox NEWS wasn't part of the dizney fox deal they say


tell me fox news aint disney ffs

fake fantasy bullshit news NO different than most any news save for the couple few allowed to operate within the empire