Anonymous ID: a826a2 Oct. 1, 2020, 3:36 p.m. No.10875159   🗄️.is 🔗kun





Let me know when something actually happens.

Something with enough kick that it will get through the MSM mind-control.

I talk to normies on a daily basis. They are bewildered and offended at Trump's performance in the debates. They don't get what's going on. THEY. ARE. STILL. ASLEEP.

They wear the masks, they wash their hands fifty times a day, they are still going through life believing the "authoritative sources".


They won't listen to me. And they sure as hell won't listen to "a bunch of kooks on the internet."

The idiot-box has them.

Mockingbird has them.


Make a damn splash in this pool, already.

Every day I am forced to wear a mask at work and huff Carbon Dioxide for a - now - substandard living, while these evil fucks get away with destroying the lives of millions of hard-working people. People who deserve much more than me, and the majority of these ass-clowns in the halls of government who have once again failed to deliver financial aid.


And until something actually happens, Failure is reality.

I don't care about this little crumb here, and a little crumb there. If there's no results, there's no results.

All this woo-woo with the numerology and word-games doesn't mean JACK SHIT to the people who are still very much out to lunch in this godforsaken country.

We are surrounded by willfully-ignorant morons. Even if they can be reached, it's going to take a whole lot more than what you've given us so far.


If you can't deliver something tangible, this great work ends up little more than a fart in the wind.