Weird effing L.A. story #1
Rebecca Grossman, the wife of well known burn victim surgeon, Dr. Peter H. Grossman, was arrested for killing two children in a DUI hit and run incident on September 30, 2020. Additional news sources include street racing with another vehicle is suspected. The accident happened in Westlake Village. The location is close in geography to Malibu and Calabasas. Same uber wealthy LA/Hollywood Democrat elitists. What I found strange was a photo which Google identified connected to Rebecca Grossman and the incident. Included in the search listing was an image of L.A. Sheriffs in a riot vehicle with weapons at the ready. WTF? Someone trying to tell us something? Is there more to the story here? The Grossman's operate a foundation, with "Global Partners.";-suspect-ided/6675066/
( = Los Angeles ABC affiliate TV news report. Warning: Extreme Covid Compliance by reporter and concern citizen on a 100+ F day in the Westlake Village region of Los Angles County.)