Sidenote before I forget. During my R/I into CA, OR and WA and the path Marxism took to spread, origination, methods, etc I noticed something that I have never seen brought up anywhere that I think someone needs to look into as I am simply swamped.
I noticed that there was a huge connection between the DNC and nearly every real estate groups and nearly every single county in those states (ie: 54/58 in CA alone) planning commissions along with immigration/fair housing groups. A triple chain of sorts that is how they have taken over counties and flushed them with Marxist voters.
So the way their little scam works is so:
1) City/County planning commission designates land use for real estate.
2) Real estate builds and sells with no oversight on buyer choice. In short they can move people however they wish to newly established homes in a county.
3) Fair Housing comes in and approves grants and federally funded payments for the homes while abusing or, better stated, over exaggerating the minority housing loan and applications which nobody ever checks (note: This is the scam Awan was pulling to self enrich).
Anyhow, this is how they move people so quickly and effectively to take over areas by controlling those councils as they have literally nobody looking over their shoulder. This just began to occur near Boise I noticed which fits the pattern in terms of pushing eastward with NV, ID, and AZ all experiencing this now. It is a literal wash eastward and the bodies are coming from south of the border at the massive cost of the taxpayers.
Final sidenote: China controlled over 80% of all those groups in terms of real estate ownership.