Yet another highly unusual event is headed our way in this extremely bizarre year. The 2020 Halloween full moon will be visible to the entire world, rather than just parts of it, for the first time since World War II, astronomy educator and former planetarium director Jeffrey Hunt says. And you can get a preview of the holiday event beginning Thursday, Oct. 1, when the month's first full moon romantically called the "harvest moon" will be visible.
This full moon will appear full for about three days, beginning around 5 p.m. ET on Oct. 1 and running through Saturday morning, Oct. 3, NASA says. The harvest moon is the name given for the full moon closest to the start of fall. It usually occurs in September, but this year, it's showing up in October. And it's just a preview for the second full moon of the month, the Halloween full moon, known as the blue moon because it's the second full moon of the same month.
"When I was teaching, my high school students thought a full moon occurred every Halloween," Hunt told me. Not quite, though pop culture decorations sure make it seem that way. The last Halloween full moon visible around the globe came in 1944, he said. He's written about the event on his web site, When the Curves Line Up. There was a Halloween full moon for some locations in 1955, but that didn't include western North America and the western Pacific, Hunt says.