Hope has CV?!?!? Shit! Now I have to get tested! Does she have anything else I should know about?!??
Same reason Milwaukee vote totals are delayed every election – to adjust them better for demoncrats.
Patriots would have to be deputized or otherwise authorized by govt to take any action. There's no point in patriots subjecting themselves to the regular abuses of the masonic police/court/prison system. Eliminating the police would be the best thing to happen for patriots in decades.
Aint nobody lining up to vote for Creepy.
Agree. Trump wants to divide Creepy from the smallish number of Bernie Bros. who support him. He did some of that.
Creepy is a criminal pervert, not a devotee of St. Mary.
Trump needs to jam that shit or, even better, take it over so Creepy says some weird stupid shit, even more so than usual.
He already reversed it.
The Cal fires are full of chemicals that make everybody sick and want to stay inside. Sound like anything else?
TV addicts are hopeless morons. Eliminate demoncrats, that's the only real way. Lock 'em up, put the trials on TV, demoncrats will become very unpopular and unhip. Then theyre done forever. The libtard generation is old and is dying off, along with their failed ideologies left over from 1970. The younger ones like Kamelface are super weak.
Wonder if Bolton read this article. kek
The event is all jokes.
I didnt.
Point. Check if recording third-party convos is legal in Ohio, it's not legal in many states.
"Here's the deal, Ukraine paid Hunter to get money from my office, ok, man? How many push-ups can you do?!?"
The American birthright of the millennials was stolen by Bushbama and for that Bushbama must pay.
Sure. Definitely. For realz.
Hope isnt "sick," she just tested positive. 80% have no symptoms.
Can you imagine being such a loser than you like to go boating with super nerd Chris Wallace?
Creepy REALLY fucked up by mentioning his "son." Gave Trump the perfect opening for the whole Where's Hunter? meme and totally derailed Creepy for the rest of the night.
Castle Red?
It's his only lifetime chance to do it.
Yeah, that was weak.
A lot of the Archbishops are, look at the Soetero Pope we have.