>Can you really shut the internet down?
Yes, the internet, much like our electrical grid, has choke points. Freeze those up or turn them off, no net.
>Right but the end result of that would be pretty harsh
Yeah, kind of. Less you grew up in the 80's or earlier. We can adapt….
>But the internet is world wide
Meh, clip a few wires that cross the ponds and boom, cant get there either. The net has choke points to the east as well, more really.
>notable….It's About The Breaking News
I wwant to be responsible and say no it isnt, but hell WR can have perma links to places they control and brag about it. NOTABLE!
Funny thing about computers and many/most of the phones we use. Take away the internet and what good are they?
Ahhhh the noise of the handshake….. But yea, that would be about it. Places with living establishments have largely removed the wires for the phones tho. down the net, stone age. Lets not even get into digital 911 and television….
>Gonna drink beer and watch the young neighbors standing around staring bitching at their phones because their instagram and shit aint workin. Know a nice lil mamma and poppa store still has a handcranked cash register.
amen amen